Home Diplomatic 700 Students from Sindh and Balochistan Studying in Italy

700 Students from Sindh and Balochistan Studying in Italy

700 Students from Sindh and Balochistan Studying in Italy
Reception to celebrate National Day of Italy

Italian Consulate is working closely with public sector universities in Sindh to establish cooperation with similar counterpart institutions in Italy

Karachi, Sindh

Around 700 students from Sindh and Baluchistan have gone to Italy to pursue higher studies, Consul General of Italy in Karachi, Mr. Danilo Giurdanella said at a reception hosted here to celebrate the National Day of Italy.

“This will help Pakistan to overcome the lacking that it faces in technical expertise,” he said adding that the Consulate is also working closely with public sector universities in Sindh to establish cooperation with similar counterpart institutions in Italy.

“In particular, the Consulate of Italy in Karachi has established successful partnerships with University of Karachi, NED University and Institute of Business Administration in Karachi and in Sukkur that have allowed the increase in the influx of Pakistani students to Italy,” he said.

Italy is the second biggest export market for Pakistan in EU and in terms of remittances. The trade with Italy has risen significantly according to SBP statistics.

Italy-Consulate-Reception-Sindh-Courier-2Italy plays an important role being the host of largest Pakistani community in Europe after UK.

The Consulate of Italy has been also working to promote interfaith harmony in the fight against Islamophobia and to promote inter-religious dialogue.

To create an exclusive Italian evening, the venue at a local hotel was curated to display high end Italian excellence with product displays.

Bella Italia, Italian Food Festival was also organized from 4-9 June for the people of Karachi. The week aims to celebrate Italian culinary heritage and gastronomical excellence and benefits of Mediterranean diet. Chef Vincenzo de Liso is in Karachi and is hosting the Italian Food Festival to promote Italian food philosophy. A live cooking demonstration of traditional recipes of Italy from Naples was also held. Chef Vincenzo De Liso originating from the vibrant culinary traditions of Naples showcased his culinary innovation and creativity during the master class.

Governor Sindh Kamran Tessori, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah, Ms. Faryal Talpur, Agha Siraj Durrani, Syed Sardar Ali Shah, Minister for Education Sindh, Sector Commander Rear Admiral Sohail Arshad, COMLOG, Commodore Muhammad Azeem Abbasi, Sector Commander Rear Admiral Salman Ilyas, members of Sindh Provincial Assembly Sohail Anwar Sial and Qasim Soomro also attended the ceremony. (PR)

Read: Italian Language Week celebrated in Karachi



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