Home Literature Call for Submissions: Poetry Planetariat 10th issue

Call for Submissions: Poetry Planetariat 10th issue

Call for Submissions: Poetry Planetariat 10th issue

Poetry Planetariat, the official publication of the World Poetry Movement, invites poets to submit the poems

Medellin, Colombia 

Poetry Planetariat, the official publication of the World Poetry Movement (WPM), dedicated to promoting humanitarian values, peace, justice, and concern for the planet Earth through poetry and art. Has invited the poets to submit poems for the 10th issue of Poetry Planetariat, which is themed “Mountains.”

Context of the theme: Global warming, melting of the glaciers, rise in sea levels, and displacement of indigenous communities dependent on the mountains and their water trails are some of the serious problems the world has been facing today. We want creative artists to respond to these crises, raise awareness, and call the attention of the world governments and policymakers for effective policies for environmental justice.

Guidelines for Submissions:

  1. The thematic focus of this issue is “Mountains.” But poems on any other themes are also welcome.
  2. Submissions should arrive to us by 30th August 2024.
  3. Please send your submissions to poetryplanetariat@gmail.com with “Submission for 10th issue” on the subject line.
  4. Number of submissions: You can submit a maximum of 3 poems. Each poem should be longer than one typed page in a Word document, 12-size in Times New Roman. The document file name should be your own full name.
  5. Language of submission. You can submit your poems in any language along with a proper translation (not a machine translation) in English. You should clearly mention the translator’s name at the end of the poem.
  6. Personal details of the poet: Please include a short bio of the poet in around 100 words on the same document containing your poem(s). Also, mention your email address and contact number. (Your contact numbers will be used only for communication with you when necessary and will not be shared publicly.)
  7. Photo: Please send a high-resolution passport-size photograph in jpg or PNG file format. The photo file name should be your full name.
  8. The contributing poets and the translators have the copyright to their respective poems and works of translations. WPM and the editor own the copyright in the collective form as a magazine. Once published in this magazine, the individual authors can republish their works elsewhere with a credit to Poetry Planteriat.
  9. No fee for submission: We are a group of poets working on a voluntarily organized in the form of WPM. We do not charge any publication fee. Neither we are in a position to pay the contributors at this moment.
  10. Publication Date: Confirmation about the selection will be sent through email by the end of September 2024. The magazine will be published in December 2024 and will be freely accessible on the World Poetry Movement (WPM) official website: https://worldpoetrymovement.org/



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