Home Literature/Poetry End This War – A Poem from Sudan

End This War – A Poem from Sudan

End This War – A Poem from Sudan
Photo courtesy Al Jazeera | AFP

Oh, Army, your clout and penance live on the universe without end

Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker Abdalla, a poet and writer from African country Sudan, shares his fresh poem 


Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker is a TEFL Teacher, Poet, Journalist, Activist, and Freelance Interpreter/ Translator from Umbda Omdurman – Sudan. He also has been working as a debate leader discussing various topics in many English Institutes, Centers, Academies and Schools. He can be reached at: americanslang64@gmail.com

image1170x530cropped_38End This War

You are proficient in your karma

You are liable for your well-being

You were born allied in a cause, knowing that better men would come

To stand against subversion, bent together your might

Parading forth into the eclipse, counseled your essential fortitude

On the ranges of conflict, where remorse and unease squat

You stay your legacy in the tint of valiance and stalk

The tangling sound of shells ties near, amidst screech and snivels

Your audacity waves within, the falconry

You have forsaken behind your household

Your families and your bubbles

To uphold emancipation on native lands

It’s only when all hope implies damaged

And your tedious quest implies so far

When all the clans are against us

You prepare how vigorous you truly are

All things are gone to effort peace

You must tackle and provide terrific victory

I am convinced God is attending over us

In the decaying defeat of a nation torn apart

The rebound of your spoor parallels riot the heart

For you quarrel with faith, you brawl for what’s right, A valiant banded in the clash

Oh, Army, your clout and penance live on the universe without end

Your temper shines on, like a bonfire, glorious

Where imagination of dignity and praise smash, in ideal tranquility, your spirit ascends As you contest for your homeland

On misty night, still and all time may pass, your spunk won’t quit, In the course of anarchy and ruination of the nation

And truly, conquest comes, but at a great worth

As the sand fixed and the biceps fell quiet

You delight your pride

You glorify the break of the war, presuming that your sacrifices have captured a glistening subsequent

The battle had taken much from you, but it had also rewarded the vitality to generate ultimate embellishment, where reconciliation and clover could quirk once more

Your spirit abides in interminable love



The poem captures nearly one year since war broke out in Sudan, causing a devastating humanitarian crisis and bringing long-existing political and ethnic tensions into sharp focus. The conflict has exceeded the initial realm of fighting between the SAF and the RSF as armed groups across Sudan are challenging existing governance structures. Confounding political relationships are forming between elites and their communities, and historical allegiances are shifting and affecting the current conflict landscape. The recent ethnic targeting of some communities in Darfur and Kordofan resulted in significant shifts in demography and governance at the local level that will likely be difficult to reverse. As ethnic-based alliances are forming, other armed groups mostly JPA signatories are undergoing fragmentation and further disconnection from their political leadership, and emerging militias are motivated by new opportunities as well as historical grievances.



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