Home Philosophy Para-Existentialism and the Mystique of Two Worlds

Para-Existentialism and the Mystique of Two Worlds

Para-Existentialism and the Mystique of Two Worlds

There are obviously two worlds which we see operating side by side. One is the world which believes in wealth formation, property, and enjoyment, and the other, which believes in just the reverse

Dr. Jernail S. Anand

We are born to two worlds: the world of the visible and the world of the invisible. The most striking thing about a human being is that while he thinks he has a free will and can accomplish great tasks, there is another world which reverses his proclamations of greatness. And this is the world which falls in the realm of para-existential reality.

There are obviously two worlds which we see operating side by side. One is the world which believes in wealth formation, property, and enjoyment, and the other, which believes in just the reverse. The great misery that man accumulates comes from his miscalculations based on several misunderstandings about life. These miscalculations start from day one, the day he considers himself in the active voice. He thinks ‘I’ am doing things, and ‘I’ am taking decisions. But he forgets, on the palm of his hand, there are some lines. He has a huge queue of creation behind and beyond him, and every thought and every act of his is monitored and controlled. It can be a big surprise for man to realize that everything that happens to him – he is born, he grows up, he gets a job, he marries, he has kids, and finally he dies – in all of these happenings, his ‘active role’ is obviously missing. Things are just happening to him. He may be thinking that what he is doing, achieving, losing and grieving,  it is he who is doing it all, whereas the facts points to the contrary.

Beyond the boundaries of the visible

There is a world which exists beyond the boundaries of the visible. What the prophets tell, and the saints preach, how does it sync with the world of opportunity and success? Another big issue is: why things don’t happen as men think. In science, if you put two and two together, they become four. But, in life, such mathematics does not work. Rather, we have to face the lower mathematics of life, in which, one plus one can be minus one. Just think of this equation: is it possible to cover the distance faster if you have four feet, instead of two?

The Passive Tense

When we are doing something and our plans fructify, we declare ourselves master of the game. But, when they go haywire, we bring in gods and start blaming them.  But the most devastating of all questions is: why in spite of their best efforts, men fail to fight misery, why opportunities do not work uniformly.  Why this odd world does not work evenly with all?

m1Rf334EVvzpjTknGJWf-1-kjfltPeople are unhappy because they think it is in their power to act as they wish. But they forget that it is only a half-truth. Man is always in the passive tense. Whatever is happening, is happening to him. Man makes a hundred plans, but all of them are not fool-proof. From nowhere, some problem walks in disturbing the applecart. These things leave men puzzled, confused, and unable to understand the mystery that lies behind their own actions. They think they are doing everything in the best possible way, yet, the results are not commensurate with the efforts made, if not entirely to the contrary.

The Cosmic Calendar

There are two worlds. One is the visible world in which the man’s will operates. People work hard, get education, become unemployed, finally get a job, and start working. Get married, have children, and start taking care of them. Grow old. And are finally swept under the carpet. Behind all this lies a mathematical formula which was being worked out. Human beings who are moving around doing their jobs, have an invisible Physics which controls and explains their actions.  Only these equations are not visible not easily understandable. Men can never be free from these cosmic calculations.

Human beings who are moving around doing their jobs, have an invisible Physics which controls and explains their actions.  Only these equations are not visible not easily understandable. Men can never be free from these cosmic calculations.

In fact, as soon as a man is born, he is under the spell of a cosmic calendar.  Nobody is a free agent. ‘Ghalle ave Nanka, sadee uth jayee’ the great Guru Nanak says: ‘You come when you are sent here, and you leave this world, when you are called back’. It looks simple but no. What you do, what you think, what you do not do, what you miss, the misery that comes out of lapses, and the joy that erupts from things done in time and on the specific time, – everything has behind it, a para-normal reality, a mathematics, we prefer to ignore.

The Para-Normal

The world behind the visible world is very mystifying, and, therefore, very tempting too.  We generally remain satisfied with the superficial reality, which belongs to the first world. We are interested in what a man has done, at the most, in how he has done it.  But, if we try to know ‘Why?’, we are treading over the second world of para-normal reality: Why he chose to do all this? From where the stimulus came? These questions eludes human understanding.

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There are people, who are blessed with great mental resources. Sometimes they put their mental powers to extravagant use, and start fantasizing about an illusionary dimension of life, which is otherwise hard, crooked, and vile. These men are thrown off their fantasies, when they find themselves reeling under the stain of truth. Truth is the ethics of the working world. A man who can match his aspirations with the truth of his life, is happy. But, one who has more aspirations than the truth can sustain, comes to grief.

We think we are moving along with time. Life often does not move in step with time. In the beginning, it is galloping. But a time comes, when it slows down, and in the final days, life gallops on, while man finds himself stranded and left behind. But time moves forward.

To conclude, it can be said that the world of visible reality keeps us tied to its apron strings, and we remain in a state of oblivion, whereas the para-normal reality of this world can be found only in the invisible world which operates behind the visible. And without an understanding of the invisible world, our visit to this planet will remain inconclusive and our visits to and from the divine quarters will not stop. In other words, there is no question of liberation or salvation, or stepping out of the circle of life and death.

Read: Resetting the Divine Algorithm: Crying ‘Halt’ to the Tale told by an Idiot


Jernail S Anand - Sindh CourierDr. Jernail Singh Anand, President of the International Academy of Ethics, is author of 161 books in English poetry, fiction, non-fiction, philosophy and spirituality. He was awarded Charter of Morava, the great Award by Serbian Writers Association, Belgrade and his name was engraved on the Poets’ Rock in Serbia. The Academy of Arts and philosophical Sciences of Bari [Italy] honored him with the award of an Honorable Academic.  Recently, he was awarded Doctor of Philosophy [Honoris Causa] by the University of Engg and Management, Jaipur. Recently, he organized an International Conference on Contemporary Ethics at Chandigarh. His most phenomenal book is Lustus: The Prince of Darkness [first epic of the Mahkaal Trilogy]. [Email: anandjs55@yahoo.com

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