Home Poetry The wind doesn’t ask the way – A Poem from Jeju Island of Korea

The wind doesn’t ask the way – A Poem from Jeju Island of Korea

The wind doesn’t ask the way – A Poem from Jeju Island of Korea
Jeju Island - Image Courtesy: Korean website

Yang Geum-Hee

Hee-Yang Korean Poetess - Sindh CourierPoetess Yang Geum-Hee was born in 1967 in Jeju, Korea. She published two collections of poetry book, “Happiness Account”, “Leodo, Island of Legend and Existence”, and one collections of essay “Happy Companion”. She was the first president of the Leodo Literature Association, the editor in chief of the Jejuin News, and worked as a research fellow of the Society of Leodo Research. She served as a researcher at Jeju Sea Grand Center at Jeju National University and a special professor at Jeju International University. Currently, she is an editorial writer of New Jeju Ilbo, a special researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of Jeju National University, vice-president of the Jeju Regional Committee of the Korean PEN center, Executive of the Jeju Institute for the Korean Unification and Executive of the Korean Association of Ethics. She won 4 Literary Awards.

The wind doesn’t ask the way

By Yang, Geum-Hee

No matter how much time goes by,

Wind never getting older

Even though Wind doesn’t have a mouth,

Wind always say something what have to say

Even though Wind doesn’t have eyes,

Never lose her direction


When Wind face an angular face,

Wind always blowing somewhere else,

Without scratching or hurting

Wind never stay,

Even though face soft place


When can I run on the crooked road on the earth

Without asking for directions


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