Home Anthropology Addressing the Communication Model of Culture

Addressing the Communication Model of Culture

Addressing the Communication Model of Culture

When communication gaps occur, it strain even the strongest relationships. It not only affects the social life of an individual but also impact the progress of businesses and companies, as well as strong relationships

Sidra Shaikh

As a student of anthropology, I have learned that the unusual linguistic capacity evolved among humans make them distinct specie on human planet and it is this linguistic capacity which tend to separate humans and human culture from other biological species. Anthropologists are of the view that it is the advanced linguistic capacity of humans that has helped them to develop cultural adaptation. This means it is the communication model of culture within anthropology which informs us the distinct operations of human society. As a matter of fact, this communication model of human culture and society in anthropology has best been explained by American anthropologist Clifford Geertz by drawing attention to the ideas of culture as text and interpretation, symbols and meanings of culture. In other words, we cannot think of the operations of human society without considering the symbolic and meaning creating abilities of humans. As a student of anthropology, I recognize and understand the phenomenal importance of symbolic communicative model of human culture. I always think and pose a question from myself why this communicative aspect of humans has failed to bridge the gaps of mutual understanding and co-existence in human society at various levels of individual, family, group and state relations behavior. Despite the highly advanced linguistic and communicative abilities of humans we witness the burgeoning gaps in the shape of violent, intolerant behavior. It is a grim fact that humans have never fully developed a society free from violence, intolerance and hatred. This is what we observe in the shape of the extremist right-wing nationalism in different parts of the world from India under BJP government to Europe, Israel, New Zealand and America.

Why this communicative aspect of humans has failed to bridge the gaps of mutual understanding and co-existence in human society

I understand that the communication model of culture needs to be challenged for its lack of developing an understanding of a harmonious society. We need to call for a critical inquiry in communication model of culture and we should problematize humans’ advanced communication capacity. I understand that in this advanced age of artificial intelligence and information technology we humans have been unable to address the communication gap in real life situations. We need to recognize that the communication gap has been intensively destructive in human society.

Communication model of culture needs to be challenged for its lack of developing an understanding of a harmonious society

According to the experts, the communication gap is causing lack of trust among the family members that leads to frequent fights among them. People don’t share their problems and joys and remain confined to themselves.

The main reason for the communication gap is the sky-high ambitions of people, as they have set their targets very high, many a times beyond their potential. The family members spend their time for recreation by watching favorite programs on TV or they remain too busy with their ambitious plans for improving their standard of living. The lack of communication among the family members is harming relationships.

5_ways_to_celebrate_cultural_diversity_7“It is crucial to discuss communication gaps because this problem is increasing day by day. The primary reason for the high level of depression among our youth is due to communication gaps. It’s we who creates these gaps within our own homes by keeping our children in fear and shutting down their ideas and thoughts by telling them to be quiet. We don’t spend enough time with them so that they get frank with us enough to share any problem. It is not written anywhere that children should fear their elders. We give fear to our children more than love.

The communication gap is causing lack of trust among the family members that leads to frequent fights among them

“Communication gaps can dim the light of a home and give birth to misunderstandings and misconceptions. Even though many people live in the same house, they are not aware of each other’s thoughts and the events happening in each other’s lives.” I have also noticed a difference in the way people talk to their friends versus how they talk to their siblings. There seems to be a sense of formality and rigidity in sibling interactions. Nowadays, we make friends on social media, but we don’t strengthen our bonds with our close ones.

“Parents provide their children with all the luxuries of the 21st century, but they do not try to gain the trust or confidence of their children. Communication gaps mostly tend to occur more frequently during teenage years. Because , Children at this age are learning new things and tend to hide them from their family members specially to those deeds to which they think that if it is found out at home, it will become an issue, its nothing but due to fear you cultivated in them.

Let’s suppose, Ali, who is a student of 8th grade, does not get time to speak to his parents for several days, as they remain glued to the TV during the prime time when he reaches house after attending his computer classes. And, his parents remain out for the whole day as both are working. This is the thing which leads to destructive communication gaps when you hear about your family members’ actions from someone outside the family, which pave the path for misunderstanding among family members because it’s nothing but the misunderstanding from receiver of the information misunderstands the speaker’s intention or meaning. For avoiding such misunderstandings we should treat our younger ones with respect and keep a check on their daily activities or gatherings “Parents should keep an open mind because the way kids think is different from how parents do. Making time to communicate with your kids is very important because the communication gape can strain even the strongest relationships.

Communication gaps can dim the light of a home and give birth to misunderstandings and misconceptions

Many people have the misconception that their homes are very peaceful because everyone minds their own business. But in reality, this peace is suffocating, which every member of the household faces within the boundaries of their home. In fact, there is no peace that one can find while being within the boundaries of their home and facing the restrictions placed upon them by their family members. And when they go outside and talk to friends or close ones, their hearts feel lighter.”

“It is very common for us to think that we are the new generation, we study and work regularly, and our mindset is changing due to the diversity around us. However, our family members still hold onto their old beliefs and stereotypes, which makes us reserve ourselves. We want to keep things hidden from our family members and this how the fear, loss of trust and the way of justification of unusual thing and behaviors begins.

When such gaps occur, it can strain even the strongest relationships. It not only affects the social life of an individual but also has an impact on the progress of businesses and companies, as well as strong relationships.”


Sidra ShaikhSidra Shaikh is BS third-Year student of anthropology at the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan.




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