Contemporary World Literature: Poetry from Romania

Contemporary World Literature - Poetry from Romania-3

Contemporary World Literature - Poetry from Romania-3Contemporary World Literature Poetry from Romania

Six Poems by Streche Nicolae Florentin

Streche Nicolae Florentin - Poet from RomaniaStreche Nicolae Florentin was born on October 26, 1982. He lives in Bucharest, Romania.


  • 1997 – 2001 – ‘Dimitrie Bolintineanu’ Theoretical High School, Bucharest – Philology Department: Romanian – English
  • 2002 – 2006 – University of Bucharest – Faculty of Letters – Department of Information and Documentation Sciences; Bachelor’s degree with thesis paper on: Romanian book printing in Wallachia and Moldova (16th-18th centuries)
  • 2006 – 2007 – University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters: Master’s course “E-government in public administration” (Academic thesis: “E-government policies in the information society”)
  • 2011 – 2013 – University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters: Master Program in European Studies – “Culture and Politics in European and International Context” (Academic thesis: “European culture and mentalities in the Enlightenment (18th century)

Literary and publishing activities:

  • Participant in the events of the “Evening Literary Meeting” (2012 – 2014). Venues: National Library of Romania, Metropolitan Library, “Bookfest” Book Fair (presentation of volumes launched by Zip Publishing)
  • Participant in the meetings of the “Club Art – BOEMA 33” circle (2014)
  • Participant in the competitions of the Romanian Kukai online circle – haiku poems (2013)
  • Presentation of “The lace train” – poetry volume by Loredana Tudor Tomescu (May 6th, 2014, Suţu Palace)
  • Co-organizer of the anniversary event dedicated to writer Ileana Vulpescu (in the presence of the writer) and the one-year anniversary of editorial project “Infinity of Love” (bilingual anthology – Romanian and English). Date and place of the event: May 17th 2013, at the National Library of Romania
  • Co-author, with three poems, in the bilingual anthology “Infinity of Love” (38 authors). Publication date: May 2013
  • Co-author, with two poems, within the anthology “Romanian Soul” – the group “The Art of Conversation” (22 authors). Publication date: July 2013
  • Public reading of “Stelica” poem by Gellu Naum at Gellu Naum event – vol. 2 Prose anthology (June 20th, 2012)

Online Literary Activities:

  • Online editor: – personal blog – 2007-2010
  • Online editor at “Mixul de Cultură”
  • Online editor at “Liternet” project (2012-2013)
  • Online editor of the magazine “Words”
  • Article for Revista Arte şi Meserii (RAM) – “Marius Manole and the art of being an actor” (June 2014)
  • Article for the newspaper Naiunea – “Mircea Eliade and historical consciousness”
  • Diploma of participation in the International Festival “Romeo and Juliet at Mizil”, 8th Edition, 2014-2015 – Poetry and Epigram section
  • Graduate of the Manager course project: “New skills for new challenges in the publishing field (April-June 2015)
  • Online editor at Regal Literar project – July 2020 – ongoing
  • International Festival of Poetry Bangladesh 2020: Online Romania Poetry Evening – October 16th


– Literature, foreign languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian); cinema, music, travelling.




“We are foolish and immortal gods, who have forgotten our destiny”

(Constantin Noica)

I am (not)

I’m here for something

That is called silence

And I was truly born

When I began to count,

When I caressed the sunlight

Wholly staring at the horizon!


I know I’m a grain of sand

In the huge desert of the universe,

For I have the vision of life,

But I’m not a blind man

Who denies the faces of the others!


I am just a man reaching for the limit.


In the very first second

Life brings you in the state of man,

Out of love between an Adam and an Eve

When the second comes again,

Your body would smell as a new love,

Now you are Adam and you are looking for Eve,

Or perhaps Eve running after Adam,

With the apple pulled off the tree.


Here it comes; here it comes the third second,

When again, it will be night time,

She will lie down to you,

Because you did not know how to dream

Trees, horses, stones and birds,

Because you forgot to say,

On the one day of spring:

“Forgive me for not loving you!”

Only you

The earth trembles from me,

The days are no better,

I do not know either beginning or end,

Everything around burned to a crisp.


Oh, angel, where are you going?

Don’t you see I am crying for you?

When I know you’re too far,

Now, in the moment of love


Only you are everywhere,

The most sacred of everyone,

And I sit gently, thinking to myself:

Is it true or did I dream about it?

Pater Noster (Lord’s Prayer)

How long do you suffer till you become an angel? –

Asks the poetess with her sea name

“How many people will suffer from death? –

I ask myself with my flower name.


Oh Lord, send thy rain and fire upon men,

Take our gaze, the deceiving voice and the hearing,

Make us new bodies, without flesh and bones,

For I have tired of so many deceiving souls!


    Our Father who art in Heaven,

   Hallowed be thy name,

    Give us this day our daily bread,

    And lead us not into temptation,

    But deliver us from evil.

A M I N †

Tick tock

I stole the minor key from you

And I put it in my eye –

Tick tock, tick tock…


I stole the minor key from you

And I put it in my heart –

Tick tock, tick tock…- both of us


We stole minor keys from each other

And put them in Heaven,

Among the mysterious stars


When the minor keys met,

The clocks fell from the tree

And the memories about us


Tick tock, tick tock…
Tick tock, tick tock…

You and me – a dream,

Of everything or nothing


In my chest it is very cold,

I feel the wind blowing through all over me,

It rains outside like in the Biblical Flood,

Do you hear me, beautiful girl, how I cry to you?


Staying gentle in the corner of those who have been left behind,

Dreaming of the moment when we were together,

When one plus one equaled… us,

When Lord looked at us, while holding each other


My mother asking, “Son, what ails you?”

“Who left you out of too much love?

And I pause and going ready for the funeral,

Where no one believes in loneliness


Come with the photo when we swear love,

Come with a flower that smells like you,

Dreaming of the moment when we were both,

When one plus one equaled to us



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