Home World Literature Contemporary World Literature: White Tulip

Contemporary World Literature: White Tulip

Contemporary World Literature: White Tulip

Contemporary World Literature - White Tulip - Sindh Courier-1Contemporary World Literature – White Tulip  

An Illustrated Poetry Book

By Imen Melliti from Tunisia

Contemporary World Literature- Imen Melliti from Tunisia - Sindh CourierImen Melliti from Tunisia, who qualified in English for international relations, is translator and writer; she published an academic book “Master your English”, three English books for children ‘Puppy’s Day, ‘The real friends’, ‘The hinter and the Birds’, and poetry book ‘White Tulip’.

Book Review by Stefania Miola

Pain is the great teacher of men. Under his breath souls develop.

(Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)

… “I see a rebirth in each death”…

… “I see flowers blooming from the dry earth”…

…  “A spring in each winter “…

In that delicate vision of the world of light – Imen lets the reader glimpse her Universe.

My eyes run quickly between her words in an exciting inner journey.

“It rains in my heart” – the young poet writes in a verse- “As it rains on the city walls. Watering the dry ground; witnessing the deep sorrow. ”

In another beautiful poem she writes “I can’t see my father suffering.” The figure of the suffering father becomes the face of the suffering of the world.

We cannot begin to understand suffering without being involved in it but we must not allow this involvement to make us forget the presence, in this fallen world of divine and salvific beauty.

Those who experience suffering know the secret of pure love. The pain that becomes a gift, the human being who welcomes and assists, who heals with love heals the whole world.

The face of the father is the face of love, salvation.

“God is in the depths of my soul … you know that my dad is my great love … he will never leave me again”.

Nobody can leave the path of love when you start walking even with broken legs, with broken wings.

Reductive to simply define her book as a poetic collection

In my opinion it is a path of inner growth in a poetic key through the path of Life of Imen, a woman who charges every moment of her existence with immensity. Path in which we can recognize ourselves – if and only if – we have undertaken the path that leads to awakening, to full self-awareness, where the perception of life in its inexorable flow constantly becomes a search for the beauty that surrounds us and that is born first of all within us.

“When we get into the depth of the sea we find pearls in a closed shell”

Definitely an uphill road, full of obstacles and suffering but that is really worth taking with the resilience of a red Jasmin.

A fragile, delicate and wonderful flower that lives with a few drops of water undergoing a profound evolution that leads to indissoluble change becomes in the words of Imen – Red love.

The love of a woman who dares to touch her bleeding wounds, which is authentic, which she has drawn and which draws from the hard lessons of life her learning, which has learned to celebrate herself and life, to always go forward, in small steps, the generous hand that holds the broken pieces of suffering souls.

“Lift your eyes toward the sky … When everything seems lifeless … touch your heart … feel the desire”

“Be the wide deep sea to contain the small fragile ship”

“Be the spark of hope for paint white jasmine”

These are some of the messages that are transmitted and that touch the reader’s soul with the delicacy of a caress.

This is pure love that is shared – a heart that becomes a messenger of hope. Words that carry the reader into the essence of life to bring him back to light enriched and loved.

Thank you Imen for giving voice to your Angel of Light – I do not hide from you that I too lose my paradise in the violent storms of life and then I find it thanks to people like you.

“The slightest flapping of a butterfly’s wings is capable of causing a hurricane on the other side of the world.” Butterfly-Aphorism effect


Stefania Miola - ItalyStefania Miola is an eminent Poetess, Art Critic and Writer from Italy. She lives in a small town on the outskirts of Turin. Since 2015, three books of Stefania have been published – “One sky – the only true one”, “Violets in the Desert” and “The scent of the white rabbit”. These books were presented at the Turin International Book Fair and all books are awarded nationally and internationally. Her several poems are present in anthologies of various publishing houses. In 2020, she signed the preface of an important catalog of Contemporary Art. Stefania Miola had been writing for Sindh Courier.

About the book ‘White Tulip’

Published by Third Eye Butterfly Press


Edited by Stefan Bohdan

Graphic design by Amira Houssine and Ben Ahmed

Forwards by Stefania Miola and Zlatan Demirovic