Dylan Thomas Day and ‘Love the Words’ Challenge

Dylan Thomas Day and ‘Love the Words’ Challenge- DYLANDAY2021

Dylan Thomas Day and ‘Love the Words’ Challenge- DYLANDAY2021HOW TIME HAS TICKED A HEAVEN ROUND THE STARS

These words open space-time horizons and have been the source of inspiration to create a lunar calendar where the passage of time is seen through the different aspects of the Moon in the course of the year.

By Lidia Chiarelli, Italy

In 2015 the International Dylan Thomas Day was established to celebrate one of the outstanding poets of the 20th century. Every year on May 14 the visionary poet of Wales is remembered with projects ranging from Poetry to Art, from Music to Videos.

In Dylan Thomas’ official site, Love the Words is a special section for a “global poetry share”, addressed to poets who want to respond to Dylan Thomas’ words.

This year’s challenge is writing HAIKU inspired by a quote from Dylan Thomas’ poem “The force that through the green fuse drives the flower”:


These words open space-time horizons and have been the source of inspiration to create a lunar calendar where the passage of time is seen through the different aspects of the Moon in the course of the year.

The Old Farmer’s Calendar reports the names given to the Moon by the early Native Americans.

The video MOON CALENDAR FOR DYLAN THOMAS is a collection of Haiku and Digital Collages where the images of the Moon – along with instruments that measure time – are commented month after month.

Sundials, hourglasses, bell towers, clocks of different types (pendulum, cuckoo or table/wall clocks) mark the passing of time in succession.

Here is the list of the Moon’s names according to The Old Farmer’s Calendar:

January wolf Moon

February snow Moon

March worm Moon

April pink Moon

May flower Moon

June strawberry Moon

July buck Moon

August sturgeon Moon

September corn Moon

October hunter’s Moon

November beaver Moon

December cold Moon

Watch the video of Moon Calendar inspired by Dylan Thomas’ verse


This contains twelve Haiku and twelve Digital Collages with the names given to the moon by the Native Americans according to “The Old Farmer’s Almanac.”


Lidia ChiarelliLidia Chiarelli (Torino, Italy) is an artist and writer, co-founder with Aeronwy Thomas, of the art-literary Movement Immagine & Poesia (2007). She is award-winning poet with six nominations to Pushcart Prize, USA; Literary Arts Medal, New York 2020. Her poems are translated in many languages.