Home Point of View Efforts, Triumph, Results

Efforts, Triumph, Results

Efforts, Triumph, Results
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By focusing solely on outcomes, we neglect the importance of effort, resilience, and perseverance

Zaheer Udin Babar Junejo

In the realm of success and accomplishments, people tend to focus solely on the end result. The final outcome is what captures their attention and garners recognition, while the efforts exerted along the way are often overlooked. People are generally uninterested in the factors that contributed to or hindered someone’s achievements; all that matters to them is the bottom line. In this fast-paced and results-oriented world, the significance of one’s efforts can easily be overshadowed. The time, energy, and dedication poured into a project or goal often go unnoticed when the final tally is taken. It becomes a numbers game where the end result is the sole determinant of success, regardless of the obstacles faced or the hard work invested.

The narrow mindset can be demoralizing for individuals who put their heart and soul into their endeavors

This perspective fails to acknowledge the journey of growth and development that occurs during the pursuit of a goal. It disregards the lessons learned, the skills acquired, and the personal growth that comes from facing challenges head-on. By focusing solely on outcomes, we neglect the importance of effort, resilience, and perseverance.

Moreover, this narrow mindset can be demoralizing for individuals who put their heart and soul into their endeavors. It undermines their motivation and can discourage them from pursuing further achievements. When people are constantly judged solely on their results, it creates a culture that discourages risk-taking and innovation. Fear of failure becomes pervasive, as individuals are afraid to take on new challenges for fear of being judged solely on the outcome.

Additionally, this results-driven mentality fails to recognize the external factors that can impact one’s achievements. Circumstances beyond an individual’s control, such as limited resources, unexpected obstacles, or even luck, can significantly influence the outcome. Yet, these factors are often disregarded when evaluating success. This lack of consideration can lead to unfair judgments and create an unrealistic standard of success that fails to account for the complexities of real-life situations.

When individuals feel that their hard work is acknowledged and valued, it fuels their intrinsic motivation and inspires them to push beyond their limits

Instead of solely focusing on the end result, it is crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts put forth by individuals. Recognizing the dedication, perseverance, and passion that underpin their achievements can provide a more holistic understanding of success. Celebrating the process and the lessons learned, rather than just the outcome, encourages a culture of growth and fosters innovation and resilience.

Furthermore, recognizing and rewarding effort can be a powerful motivator. When individuals feel that their hard work is acknowledged and valued, it fuels their intrinsic motivation and inspires them to push beyond their limits. It encourages them to take risks, learn from their mistakes, and strive for excellence, knowing that their efforts will be recognized and appreciated. In conclusion, it is essential to shift our focus from solely counting results to appreciating the efforts that contribute to those results. By recognizing and valuing the journey, the lessons learned, and the personal growth that occurs along the way, we can foster a culture that encourages resilience, innovation, and personal development. Let us not overlook the efforts behind the achievements and celebrate the process as much as the outcome.


Zaheer Udin Babar Junejo is a Community Development Professional based in Hyderabad, Sindh.




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