The three objectives of the Busan World Expo are ‘Sustainable Living with Nature’, ‘Technology for Humanity’ and ‘Platform for Caring and Sharing’.
By Nasir Aijaz
It was a full moon night in Busan city on November 7, 2022. The moon was alone in the sky shedding its light beams over the earth but the city had twinkling lights all around like millions of blinking stars.
We, the Journalists from Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam, Iran, Egypt and Cambodia, led by Mr. Lee Sang-ki, the CEO of The AsiaN and founder President of Asia Journalists Association (AJA), had arrived in Busan after a long journey from Seoul at sunset and were standing at the Sky Garden atop the Busan Metropolitan City Government Complex to have a view of the north port area selected as the venue for Busan World Expo 2030.
The group of Journalists had arrived from Seoul to attend the AJA Forum on Busan World Expo 2030 scheduled on November 8, 2022, and was taken to the Sky Garden for briefing about the development plan.
The South Korea aspires to host the World Expo 2030 for six months from May to October 2030 under the theme ‘Transforming our world, navigating to a better future’, and the north port area has been selected for the World Expo 2030 for its historic importance in maritime trade connectivity with the world. And the AJA, in collaboration with Daily News had convened the Forum inviting the overseas journalists to highlight the Korea’s strong candidature for hosting the World Expo 2030.
Four countries had submitted competing candidatures to organize World Expo 2030: the Republic of Korea (Busan), Italy (Rome), Ukraine (Odesa), and Saudi Arabia (Riyadh) however the Saudi Arabia is said to be the main contender. The project examination phase for World Expo 2030 is currently underway, with each candidate having submitted a detailed candidature dossier to the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), the Inter-governmental Organization. The host country of World Expo 2030 will be elected by BIE Member States, in a General Assembly set to take place in November 2023, on the principle of one country, one vote. In June 2021, South Korea submitted a letter of candidature to the BIE for the hosting of the World Expo 2030 in Busan.

Republic of Korea attaches great importance to winning the bid for holding the World Expo 2030, as it would help meet the challenges of the time. At a time when humanity is facing many challenges, such as climate change, global epidemics like COVID-19 and the digital divide, the Republic of Korea takes on the ambitious challenge of seeking solutions to global crises and presenting a vision for the future of humanity through hosting World Expo 2030.

The World Expo has an interesting history. The first World Expo was held in London in 1851, where the steam locomotive was presented, which marked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower were also displayed at the Expos. The head of the Statue of Liberty was first exhibited at the 1878 Paris Expo. The Eiffel Tower was the symbol of the Paris Expo of 1889, which was held to celebrate the 100th anniversary of French Revolution. And at the New York Expo in 1939, new technologies were introduced that had a great impact on modern civilization, such as television, nylon, plastic and sound recorders. The 1992 Seville Expo is evaluated as a successful Expo that gave us the opportunity to review the history of humanity 500 years after the discovery of the new continent and to present a vision for the next 500 years.

Another aspect of the ambition of hosting the World Expo is that 2030 will be the year when the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are expected to be achieved and for that reason the World Expo 2030 Busan is also designed according to the three pillars of the UN SDGs (3Ps): Planet, Prosperity and People. Thus, the three subtitles of the Busan World Expo are ‘Sustainable Living with Nature’, ‘Technology for Humanity’ and ‘Platform for Caring and Sharing’, which with the holding of World Expo 2030 well demonstrate Korea’s will to pursue sustainable development of Humanity.
“Korea has many advantages, including vast experience in successfully hosting various global events – such as the 1988 Summer Olympics, the 2002 Football World Cup and two Specialty Expos in 1993 and 2012; an effective epidemic response and management system; and state-of-the-art ITC technology,” the Busan Metropolitan City officials Jeong Su-jin and Hwang hyun-ki told.
“And Busan, as Korea’s second largest city and first logistics city, is a well-prepared candidate city with a wealth of experience in hosting international events and geographical advantages as a connecting point between the Eurasian continent and the Pacific Ocean, among others. These strengths of Korea and Busan will be an excellent basis for making Busan World Expo a successful exhibition that presents solutions to the current global crisis and visions for the future on which the digital revolution will be based,” they said.
Watch the Video: Full Moon Night, Twinkling Lights and the Busan City
Expos help to boost the host country’s public image and national prestige. On a more practical level, hosting the Expo is expected to bring huge economic benefits, especially in creating jobs and boosting tourism. South Korea estimates that hosting the 2030 World Expo will generate a massive 61 trillion won ($44 billion) and create 500,000 jobs. The 43 trillion won worth of production induced is four times that generated by the 2002 World Cup and two times the 2018 Pyeong Chang Winter Olympics.
On November 8, 2022, the AJA Forum was held at Busan City Hall, to review the Korea’s preparations for World Expo 2030. The event was also attended by the Busan City Council members including Mr. Kang Chul-Ho, the chairman of Special Committee on Busan World Expo, Mr. Park Jong Chul, Mr. Chang-Suk Kim and Ms. Kim Hyo-Jeong.
“Busan is the Gateway to world trade and we are trying to make a sustainable future in collaboration with various organizations such as the United Nations,” said Mr. Kang Chul-Ho in his address.
At the outset, Mr. Lee Sang-ki, founder President of AJA, introduced the overseas journalists to the City Council members and briefed the participants on aims of the Forum. The overseas journalists in their presentations outlined their ideas for success of the World Expo. Mr. Ashraf Aboul-Yazid from Egypt, who is the current President of AJA, proposed a plan to capture the Gulf Cooperation Council countries for Busan Expo Promotion Plan.

Nasir Aijaz, Chief Editor of Sindh Courier from Pakistan, in his presentation highlighted the South Korean success, and its transformation from aid-receiving to aid-giving country. Stating that Korea was a role model for developing countries, he suggested that Korea can help Pakistan in various sectors like housing and town planning, road infrastructure, tourism and many other sectors. In an interview on this occasion, he also suggested declaring Busan and Karachi, the two port cities, as Sister Cities to enhance cooperation.
Ms. Pooneh Nidae of Iran, Mr. Eddy Suprarto from Indonesia, Mr. Sophal from Cambodia and Mr. Kuban Taabaldiev of Kyrgyzstan also addressed the event and viewed that the Busan has great potential and all the possibilities for a worthy organization of an event of this magnitude.
The Forum was also addressed by six more overseas journalists online from Malaysia, Philippines, Lebanon and Bahrain. Mr. Habib Toumi, a senior journalist from Bahrain News Agency in his remarks suggested that the Korea should explain what benefits it can bring to other countries.
We can hope that Korea will make the World Expo 2030 an opportunity to share with other countries its unprecedented story of transformation to a donor from a recipient in just half a century. It can provide various forms of assistance for the developing countries.