Taejongsa Temple’s hydrangeas bloom in vibrant pink and blue hues
Lee, Do yeon, poetess from Korea, the Land of Morning Calm, shares her poem
Poetess Ms. Lee, Do yeon graduated from Busan Women’s University and received the 2013 Quarterly Culture and Literature Time Newcomer Award. She served on the editorial board of the quarterly Culture and Literature Time, the editorial board of Dong-gu Newspaper, and as the secretary-general of the Busan Regional Committee of the International PEN Korea Headquarters. She published her poetry collections ‘The Road to Hope’ and ‘Life’s Road to You’. She has won the 11th Culture and Literature Time Best Picture Award, the 13th Culture and Literature Time Writer Award, the International PEN Korean Headquarters Busan PEN Literature Award Writer Award, the 14th White Lotus Poetry Recitation Award, and the Korea Culture and Arts Award (Tea Culture Education Award). She is currently the Vice President of the Busan Regional Committee of the International PEN Korea Headquarters, the Vice President of the Ieodo Literary Literature Association, and the Vice President of the Korean Association of World Literature.
Summer with its scorching sun,
Taejongsa Temple‘s hydrangeas bloom in vibrant pink and blue hues.
Was youth akin to this?
The resplendent sight of hydrangeas mirrored in a pond,
Another vestige seeping into the water.
My countenance mirrors the joy of a hydrangea child
Amidst the bustling crowd.
Under the faint sunlight of the sweltering summer,
I fall in love with the abundant beauty of hydrangeas.
Forgetting the heat momentarily,
I traverse the path of youthful hydrangeas that bloom every year,
Carrying my spirit along.
뜨거운 태양이 내리쬐는 여름
태종사 수국 연분홍 파란색 영롱함 모습
청춘이 이랬든가
연못에 비친 수국의 아름다운 자태
그 물에 스며드는 또 다른 잔영
나의 모습은 수국 아이처럼 즐겁구나
오고 가는 인파 속
무더운 여름 햇볕이
수국의 풍성한 아름다움에 반해
더위도 잠시 잊은 채
해마다 피는 청춘의 수국 열차에
몸을 싣고 가는구나
Read: Inside and Outside – Poetry from Korea