Livestock and horticulture farmers’ capacity building activity concludes


Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority organized the training in collaboration with Thardeep as part of EU-funded project ‘Growth for Rural Advancement and Sustainable Progress’.


The horticulture and livestock farmers have potential to build their business and contribute to national economy in a way that increases livelihood, sustains resilience, and upholds inclusive development.

It transpired during an 8-day ‘Agri-Business Management and Marketing’ capacity building activity which concluded on February 14, 2023 at a local hotel in Mirpurkhas.

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA), Ministry of Industries and Production had organized this training in collaboration with Thardeep Rural Development Program (TRDP). The training was part of a project called Growth for Rural Advancement and Sustainable Progress (GRASP).

GRASP is a six-year project designed to reduce poverty in Pakistan by strengthening small-scale agribusinesses in two provinces: Balochistan and Sindh. It helps small and medium-sized enterprises in horticulture and livestock become more competitive by making improvements at all levels of the value chain.

GRASP, a European Union funded project for poverty reduction and sustainable inclusive economic growth in rural Pakistan, is being implemented by International Trade Centre (ITC) in partnership with Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) & Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Focused on selected districts of Balochistan & Sindh, ITC and its implementing partners are providing technical assistance in Livestock and Horticulture sectors for improving commercial viability of MSMEs and for a conducive policy regime.

Horticulture-Sindh-Courier-1“The training has contributed to enhancement of knowledge of horticulture and livestock farmers regarding business practices including farming business and management, business opportunities in modern agriculture, digital marketing, innovation, importance of cooperative business model, Concepts and benefits of linkages, networking and marketing and sales of cooperatives, Calculation of cost and price, concept and components of a business plan, and business plan for farming”, said Mukesh Kumar, Project Director GRASP and Provincial Chief Sindh SMEDA.

He said that GRASP looks at creating gender-inclusive employment and income opportunities in the rural areas through targeted support to both the public and private sectors.

Feroz Ahmed, Manager Legal and Training Services SMEDA, Sindh, Naeem Ansari, Project Manager GRASP Sindh and Balochistan, Project Coordinators Sindh Furqan Hyder Shaikh, Ms. Shumaila Naz, and Field Officers Sindh Ghulam Shabbir Jarwar and Ms. Zoiba Shaikh also put light on the importance of GRASP project in farming business empowerment and boost to the agri-entrepreneurship in Sindh.

The guest of honor Chetan Mal, Director Agriculture Extension, and other dignitaries praised the SMEDA-ITC-EU and partners for initiating this training and wished opined that such activities are crucial for boosting local businesses in horticulture and livestock and should be continued for larger interest of national economic development. (PR)







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