According to the data received, as of December 17, 2022, the total population of the country was 7,057,841 people
The total population of Turkmenistan exceeded 7 million people by December 17, 2022.
This was announced at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, which was held on July 14, 2023 by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, when summing up the results of the population census held in 2022. The population census was carried out according to international standards, the portal reports.
According to the data received, as of December 17, 2022, the total population of the country was 7,057,841 people.
Mary velayat is home to 22.9% of the total population of the country.
About 50% of the population are men, more than 50% are women, 47.1% are residents of cities, and 52.9% live in villages.
According to the census, housing construction is being carried out at a high pace in all settlements of Turkmenistan. The number of residential buildings is 1005671, which is 12.4% higher compared to the 2012 census, residential buildings are 1344,268, which is 13.6% more, their total area is 165167523 sq m, which is 24.5% more.
Courtesy: Central Asian Light (Posted on July 17, 2023)