Home World Literature Sky – A poem from Peru

Sky – A poem from Peru

Sky – A poem from Peru

You give meaning to my joy, and complement the rose garden that I managed to create with my chimeras.   

[author title=”Ramina Herrera Arteaga” image=”https://sindhcourier.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Ramina-Artigo-Peru-Sindh-Courier.jpg”]Ramina Herrera Arteaga, born in Luya, Amazonas, Peru in 1979, is a Business Administrator by profession. She graduated from the National University of Trujillo. Her poetry “Memories of Unborn” was published online by the magazine “Voices” of Spain. In 2006 it was included in the anthology “Caminos de Poesía” (Editorial Fund of the Provincial Municipality of Cajamarca. She has been awarded many prestigious recognition for her writing.[/author]  



My sky blue



Same mirror

Of your beautiful universe,

You give meaning to my joy

And complement the rose garden

That I managed to create with my chimeras,              

Perfect accomplice

Sleepless early mornings

Of suspicious exits

Of desperate pencils

Drowning in the temptation

From the well that emanates

From that star so far away

And so close to our gaze.

Lover of letters

That you write with the ink of your lineage

You hang out with Borges, Sábato, Cortázar

Gabo, Charles, Eielson, Varela,

And countless mythical beings

That surrounds you and surrounds me

In whirlwinds of words


Broken, patched, human follies,

That gives us hope

Hope or sweet agony

That dies in the mouth

In afternoons with cold and drizzle

Like today

In the middle of the square

In a short talk

You … in the light of a heartbeat … you


CAELUM (Latin)

Mi azul cielo,



mismo espejo

de tu bello universo,

das sentido a mi alegría

y complementas el jardín de rosas

que logré crear con mis quimeras,

cómplice perfecto

de madrugadas insomnes

de mutis sospechosos

de lapiceros desesperados

ahogándose en la tienta

del pozo que emana

de aquella estrella tan lejana

y tan cercana de nuestra mirada.

Amante de las letras

que escribes con la tinta de tu linaje

andas con Borges, Sábato, Cortázar

Gabo, Charles, Eielson, Varela,

e innumerables míticos seres

que te envuelven y me envuelven

en torbellinos de palabras


locuras rotas, parchadas, humanas,

que nos dan esperanza

esperanza o dulce agonía

que mueren en la boca

en tardes con frío y llovizna

como hoy

a mitad de la plaza

en una breve plática.

Tú… en la luz de un latido… tú
