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Split humanity!

Split humanity!
Heba Hendawi

We have recently witnessed the ugly face of humanity when it split dramatically and violently in front of a very clear scene of genocide.

Heba Hendawi

 Who lives on this planet? Animals, birds, plants, micro-organisms and humans. We, humans may not be the majority of the creations yet we are the ones controlling the planet because we have brains and reason. We, people, live together on the same earth and share the same land, air and sea. We differ in our ethnicities, languages, features and locations. Human beings have the same biology and anatomy. They eat, drink and reproduce the same way. They live in families and build communities of friends and neighbors. Some of us are poor while other nations are strong and wealthy. Some are oppressed by others. Natural phenomena affect our lives and catastrophes like earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and droughts are our worst common nightmares. We feel for each other and cooperate to handle tough situations.

We are called humans because we are not animals. We have minds to think and hearts to feel. I checked the word “humanity” in the dictionary and I found that it means: the quality of being kind to people and animals by making sure that they do not suffer more than is necessary. Describing someone good we say he/she is “humane.” This means that he/she has a kind heart that feels for others and react with the sorrows and miseries of all creatures let alone fellow human beings.

However, life is full of tests. Everything is questioned. When we wake up overnight with a roar of someone who has been silenced, oppressed, deprived and restricted for ages with few ears to hear the cry we should be surprised. A whole nation was ripped of their lands and right to live honorably for decades. They are the off springs of those who were dislocated, massacred and imprisoned for just asking for their rights. Humanity woke up to a scream from one neighbor that woke the children next door from their sleep and disturbed their happy dreams so their family decided to take revenge and butcher, burn and destroy the house in return. Is this smashing innocent children and civilians under the rubble a logical reactions?  Where is humanity amid all what is happening to innocent women, children and elderly in Gaza?

Humanity is the ability to feel for others, to have a fair judgment, to stand with the truth and speak up for the oppressed. Humanity is shedding tears over a newborn pulled out of a dead womb.

We have recently witnessed the ugly face of humanity when it split dramatically and violently in front of a very clear scene of genocide. You disturbed my child’s sleep so I will kill yours with international consent. The balance is not set right. The oppressed are accused of refusing to surrender to decades of injustice, attacks, theft and aggression. They were deprived of their vast and spacious house and allowed to live in a “strip!

The media is smothered with heartbreaking photos of Palestinian children pulled out of the rubbles disfigured, cut and smashed. Two million people were cut from all means of aid, communication and eve electricity and the world is watching. Against all international laws hospitals were bombarded and humanity is debating whether it is a fair play or not! Instead of at least respecting the ethics of wartime and the drastic difference in arms and weapons between the two parties they are accusing the weakest of yelling! The whole world is watching a nation being deliberately eradicated in one of the most atrocious acts of humankind in cold blood. Instead of trying to stop the mad revenge they are accusing the victims and debating whether they deserve it or not. What happened to humanity? Why did we lose our common sense? Can’t you compare the damage? Can’t you look at the photos and the number of innocent children that had their dreams too?! A future is being ended before it even starts. These children have a right to grow not to be eliminated.

Attacks should be man to man and militants to militants. Civilians should be spared the agonies they face with no medical help, food, clean water or even a phone call to connect to loved ones and make sure they are safe and sound.   Humanity split and double standards control the scene. They say that ordeals reveal the true friend and the true self and this is the case now. Not all people turned out to be true humans. Humanity is not what we thought it to be. Not because a creature has a cognitive brain, vocal chords that deliver speech and walks on two limbs rather than four he/she is considered a human being.

Humanity is the ability to feel for others, to have a fair judgment, to stand with the truth and speak up for the oppressed. Humanity is shedding tears over a newborn pulled out of a dead womb. It is being speechless in front of a terrified child shaking in anguish beside a dead family member. It is sympathizing with a tearful child before asking about his/her background.  Humanity is caring for an elderly captive then releasing her safe and sound. Humanity is this very hostage shaking hands and saluting a masked gunman as a gesture of gratitude. To be human is to say the truth. Humanity is refusing brutal bombardment of schools, hospitals, churches and mosques. This is a crime against humanity not self-defense.  Before blaming the victim listen to the complaints, feel for his sorrows and think about all the oppression that they endured for ages before they shouted” Enough is Enough.”

Published under the International Cooperation with Middle East Business



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