Struggle for Equality: Can May Day Build a Classless Society?

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The promises have not resulted in any significant change in the condition of laborers and the gap between the owners and the workers still remains

Shoukat Lohar

The International Labor Day is celebrated on the 1st of May each year in many countries of the world. The day aims to recognize the hard work and contributions of the working class to society. Despite this recognition, laborers still do not receive the equality they deserve. Let’s peep into the lives and living conditions of this marginalized class of our society.

Working People Are as Human as You Are

Laborers are human beings who work hard to earn their living. They deserve the same respect and dignity as any other human being. Unfortunately, the class system in society has created a divide between the wealthy and the poor. This divide has resulted in unequal opportunities for laborers to improve their lives.

Why Class Difference?

The class difference exists due to the inequality in the distribution of resources. The capitalist system has created a gap between the owners and the workers. The owners have the resources, while the workers have to work hard to earn their living. The class difference has created a sense of superiority in the owners, which makes them believe that they are better than the workers.

Marx’s Point of View on the Working Class

Karl Marx believed that the working class was the backbone of society. He believed that the working class should be the ones to control the means of production. Unfortunately, this has not happened in society, and the owners continue to control the resources.

Is it not the mockery with Working People on Labor Day that they can’t earn because the day is off?

Labor Day is celebrated worldwide, but the irony is that laborers do not earn on this day. They are forced to take a day off without pay, which adds to their financial burden. This situation is unfair and needs to be addressed.

Capitalism has widened the Gap between Owner and Worker

The capitalist system has resulted in a widening gap between the owners and the workers. The owners have the resources, while the workers have to work hard to earn their living. The owners have the power to control the resources and, as a result, have more opportunities to improve their lives. This situation creates a sense of powerlessness in the workers, making it difficult for them to improve their lives.

The class system has changed over time, but the fundamental issue remains the same. In the past, there were slaves and masters, and in modern times, there are employees and employers. The only difference is the change in terminology. The workers still do not have control over the resources, and the owners continue to control the resources.

Laborers have contributed significantly to society by building some of the most iconic structures in history. However, the credit for these structures goes to the owners who commissioned them. This situation is unfair and unjust in all its manifestations.

Trade unions, labor unions, and INGOs celebrate Labor Day and make promises to improve the condition of laborers. However, these promises have not resulted in any significant change in the condition of laborers. The gap between the owners and the workers remains, and laborers continue to struggle to make ends meet.

Life Has Been Miserable for Labor Class!

The condition of laborers is dire in many parts of the world. They do not have access to basic facilities such as medical care, education, and housing and much more.

This day commemorates the struggles and achievements of the labor movement, which fought for better working conditions, higher wages, and improved living standards. However, despite the progress made in some parts of the world, the situation for laborers remains dire in many places.

Governments often make promises of progress and change, but the reality is that for many laborers, their plight is worse than ever.

Women along with other domestic workers face particularly challenging conditions, with unpaid labor and abuse being commonplace. Meanwhile, child labor continues to be a significant problem, with many children being forced to work in dangerous and exploitative conditions.

In some areas, the situation is even more severe, with bonded labor and private jails being used to keep workers under control. These conditions are akin to old-time slavery, and it is unacceptable that such practices still exist in today’s world.

The contrast between the treatment of laborers and domestic workers is particularly stark. The least we can do is, give their servants pocket money and a day off, for this May Day. It’s their day.

Many workers face brutal and loathsome treatment at the hands of their employers. For those living in poverty, survival is an ordeal, and their situation is not improving.

May Day serves as a reminder that the fight for workers’ rights is ongoing. The struggle for fair wages, safe working conditions, and the elimination of exploitative practices remains a critical issue worldwide. Until we eradicate class systems that perpetuate inequality and create opportunities for all, the situation for laborers will remain bleak.

On this May Day, let us take a moment to reflect on the struggles and achievements of the labor movement, and renew our commitment to building a fairer, more just world for all workers.

Let us support those who are fighting for their rights and ensure that the voices of the most vulnerable are heard. It’s high time we make concrete efforts to change the plight of laborers and work towards a more equitable society for all.

Tribute to workers

On this day we celebrate

The workers who make our world great

With their sweat,

Their toil, their might


They bring about

 Progress and light

From the factories to the farms

From the offices to the schools


Their hard work and dedication

Keep our communities strong and cool

So let us take a moment now

To thank these heroes of our day,

For all they do to make our lives

Better in every single way.


Shoukat LoharShoukat Lohar is Assistant professor in English at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro. He can be reached at


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