Home Point of View Using Unfair Means in Exams: Causes, Consequences and Remedies

Using Unfair Means in Exams: Causes, Consequences and Remedies

Using Unfair Means in Exams: Causes, Consequences and Remedies
Image Courtesy: Las Vegas Review Journal

Educational authorities and institutions are responsible for creating an environment that discourages cheating


Cheating in examination is rampant in the education system in Sindh. It is a form of academic dishonesty that involves obtaining or attempting to obtain an unfair advantage over others by using illegitimate means. Cheating can take many forms, including copying from others, using unauthorized materials, and communicating with others during the exam.

It is often considered to be a serious offense and can lead to severe consequences, including suspension, dismissal, or even criminal charges.

Causes, consequences and remedies

Firstly, it is essential to understand that combating the cheating in examination is not solely the responsibility of the students, teachers, parents, or society.

In reality, educational authorities and institutions bear significant responsibility for creating an environment that discourages cheating.

The current education system heavily focuses on grades, achievements, and rankings rather than learning and personal development. This creates a culture of competition and pressure that drives students to cheat to obtain good grades and secure their futures.

Moreover, the lack of effective monitoring and enforcement mechanisms in schools and colleges provides ample opportunities for students to cheat. Therefore, authorities must take the necessary steps to reform the education system and enforce strict regulations on cheating.

Secondly, the worsening state of public education is another major contributor to the prevalence of cheating in educational institutions located in Sindh.

The declining quality of education in public schools has forced many students to seek admission in private schools, which are often considered to provide better facilities and opportunities. This has led to the rise of the private education sector, which has become a profitable business in Sindh as well as across the country. Private schools often charge high fees and cater to the elite class, creating a divide between the rich and poor. Therefore, it is important to focus on improving the quality of public education sector and bridging the educational gap between different sections of society to reduce the demand for private schools.

Educational institutions need to enforce strict regulations and penalties for cheating

Thirdly, it is important to note that not all educational institutions allow cheating. For example, cadet colleges, FG colleges which are known for their academic and disciplinary standards, strictly prohibit cheating and impose severe penalties on offenders. Similarly, many universities have implemented strict measures to prevent cheating, such as setting different exam papers for each student and using anti-cheating software. Therefore, it is necessary to learn from these institutions and adopt their best practices to reduce cheating in other educational institutions.

Lastly, there are several solutions that can be implemented to prevent cheating in examination. One such solution is to educate students and raise awareness about the consequences of cheating. Many students are not aware of the harm caused by cheating and the potential consequences they may face in the future. By educating students about the importance of academic integrity and the negative effects of cheating, they can be motivated to refrain from cheating.

Another solution is to improve the quality of education by focusing on learning rather than just grades. This can be achieved by introducing innovative teaching methods, encouraging student participation, and providing opportunities for personal development. When students are motivated to learn and are not under pressure to achieve high grades, they are less likely to cheat.

Furthermore, educational institutions need to enforce strict regulations and penalties for cheating. This can include the use of anti-cheating measures as semester or sessional system in schools and colleges and organization of examination within the premises of universities, conducting surprise inspections during exams. Additionally, teachers and invigilators should be trained to identify and prevent cheating during exams.

On the whole cheating in examination is a serious problem that requires immediate attention and action. While students, teachers, parents, and society share some responsibility, it is primarily the responsibility of educational authorities and institutions to create an environment that discourages cheating. By implementing effective solutions, such as educating students, improving the quality of education, and enforcing strict regulations, we can reduce the prevalence of cheating and promote academic integrity.


Shoukat LoharShoukat Lohar is Assistant professor in English at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro. He can be reached at Shoukat.ali@faculty.muet.edu.pk


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