Home Irrigation WB Mission inspects Rehabilitation & Modernization Work of Sindh Barrages

WB Mission inspects Rehabilitation & Modernization Work of Sindh Barrages

WB Mission inspects Rehabilitation & Modernization Work of Sindh Barrages

World Bank Mission inspected the Rehabilitation and Modernization work of Guddu and Sukkur Barrages

By Rehan Khan Khushik

Sukkur, Sindh

World Bank Mission inspected the Rehabilitation and Modernization work of Guddu and Sukkur Barrages on Wednesday May 15, 2024.

The WB Mission comprising of the Task Team leader Mr. Francois Onimus, Senior Irrigation Engineer and Co-Task Team Leader Ms. Thiruni Liyanage, visited the Sindh Barrages Improvement Project accompanied with Ghulam Muhyiuddin Mughal, Project Director, Sindh Barrages Rehabilitation and Modernization Project.

They held the meeting with Project Management Officers and PIC-Project Implementation Consultant  staff, visited Contractor Camp of Descon Engineering Company at left bank of Guddu Barrage upstream.

WB-Mission-Sukkur-Barrage-Sindh-Courier-2They inspected workshop where a 5th set of Bulk Head Gate was under preparation. Four bulk head gate have already been installed along the Barrage at different bays.

The WB mission was informed that the 5th bulk head gate has been prepared to accelerate the progress of gate installation work. The mission visited gate No. 60 where civil repair work has been completed.

After site visit WB mission held meeting in the colony of PIC Guest House where PIC Environment and Civil Engineer Ms. Carrie Eller briefed the progress of SBIP/G-2. She informed that planned progress was 100% but achievement was 57%.

A security meeting was also held in the PIC office with ASP Kashmore at Kandhkot due to prevailing law and order situation at site.

WB was informed that 20 number of gates will reach at site in September 2024 and next month the installation work of gates of main barrage will be resumed.

WB mission visited Bay No. 36 of Sukkur Barrage where a trial run gate will be installed before flood season.

WB Mission further visited Chinese Camp at left bank upstream of Sukkur Barrage. CRBC-China Road and Bridge Corporation, representative showed a fabricated trial run gate at workshop.

WB mission was informed about the progress of work on trial run gate, coffer dam design. They were informed that trial run gate will be completed on 1st June 2024, while sheet pile order for coffer dam have been placed, and construction of gauge well at Kotri barrage is in progress.

WB-Mission-Sukkur-Barrage-Sindh-Courier-3PIC Environmental Specialist Miss Carrie Eller informed that pingers will be installed to safeguard the blind Indus Dolphin in river Indus upstream barrage during construction of coffer dam for gate installation. She further informed that Barrage road has been closed during work at barrage. The road is opened only during the school timing.

China Road and Bridge Construction Company informed that under Mechanical scope of work 56 main barrage gates will be replaced. Gate 55 of Canal head regulator gates will also be replaced during 4 years plan.

WB mission visited the Engineers Compound, newly constructed at PIC Office, Residential Bungalow, RE Residence, Laboratory, Prayer Area and Parking & PMO SBIP offices and Residences.

CRBC Environment and Social, Health and Safety representative informed that joint survey with PIC and wild life department completed for safety of blind Indus dolphin.

Read: Experts discuss new proposed location of Sukkur Barrage



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