Home Book Review We don’t know what the life is

We don’t know what the life is

We don’t know what the life is
Cover photo of book 'Homo Viator' authored by Dariusz Pacak

We forget that there is a great mystery around us. We forget that really we don’t know what the life is, what we are

Sindh Courier

The story Homo Viator can be understood as a continuation of Max Frisch’s Homo Faber. However, Dariusz Pacak places his main character, John Viator, in completely new conditions of life. Author endows him with poetic dynamism and subjects him to the challenges of new circumstances. John’s existence, wholly devoted to exploring the Causa Sui, is an absolutely contrast to the life of Frisch’s Walter Faber. It is his complement, in which spirituality becomes dominant. The author allows Viator to experience those aspects of human vitae that Faber had chance to “touch” shortly before his death, only. For a man of technical civilization, their presence seems to be a taboo, in a seemingly optimal yet compellingly boring systemic everyday life.

The book is created according to the same principles used by Federico Fellini in his film Roma Roma: the structure of the storyline is made up of quasi ,,separate images, pieces of matter, postcards, glasses, incoherent, smaller or larger particles”, like the moving contents of a colorful kaleidoscope.

‘I created the book during 13 months, 6 days (nights) a week. I paid that work finally with my staying at the hospital. Later, publication of that work took me additional 4 and half a year’ says Dariusz

Dariusz Pacak1We forget that there is a great mystery around us. We forget that really we don’t know what the life is, what we are. We forget that an expression of immensity of life… as a Whole without borders is beyond all words. We see: horse, wife, table, tree, spoon, cat, car, man… everything as given names and shapes, and all of these named structures lose their natural, primal aliveness, living in the chosen, or rather given concept. As we do! And if we start to believe that these names and all of the concepts we form around them are real, we have begun the journey of becoming entrances by the world of ideas. And we did it! We don’t recognize Reality outside the concept, outside the manipulation.

Viator tries to shatter the shackles of modern civilization, rises above it and moves at a very personal creative way. His main goal is the pursuit of enlightenment. The main character of that story walks tough his trail aware of transience, uncertainty of existence, in which the only the death accompanies us every second constant is, and the only liberation – Love. However, leads to that always the vague and full of sacrifices path.

It seems that the vision of the Truth, only right, is not feasible by contemporary societies.

It is necessary to follow the still unexplored process of so-called adolescence. So let us go to where the ego did not yet exist, and it was not devouring the human being, not killing the brother, sister…. where, therefore, no wall yet existed, forming the first, primary barrier, separating the human being from the vibrating world of quantum…. where no division has thus yet been made, since the concept of ego has not been created…. where fear did not exist and man had no boundaries, no anxiety… when he did not have to protect anything, because he protected paradise…and paradise guarded him…. where he discovered the stream of vitae and where he was discovered by the Existence….

Homo Viator is a tireless seeker. His way has finally lead him in terms of Buddhism, to satori and to the stopping of the wheel of reincarnation. In the Catholic sense – to achieve the salvation and eternal paradise. However, it is complicated process, difficult to extract it from the darkness of the pop culture and indoctrination of the current material civilization. Author also doubts in the existence of this world only, which we believe to be viable today, further intensifies the effort of Homo Viator, intensifies the trouble of finding the right one, and also the unique path leading to the truth of the Absolute.

Let us answer then, what is the Truth, today? What is Reality? Who are we, who is the Man today?

And maybe we will experience the Great Liberation, and thanks to the insight gained into the nature of things and the world, we will kill the system animal within us, shattering all mirrors of concepts –imaginations that surround us.

About the Book

The book is based on prose, poetry and visual writing. The first edition of book was published in 2018 and second edition published by NORBERTINUM / Lublin 2021, Poland. Paperback, 285 pages.


China. Shandong Province.Tai Shan - Sun Viewing Peak July Aug. 2006
China. Shandong Province. Tai Shan – Sun Viewing Peak July Aug. 2006

An excerpt from the book Homo Viator

…The human species seems to be similar to the river. No single man has so much strength and power to be able to change the direction of the entire riverbed, alone. If it is possible, only through a major global shock-upheaval could be accomplished.

But the few ones from the human species have been and still are like extraordinary, wonderful stars, with no real place among other drops of water.

They belong to the ethereality and rise to the Light of Heavens, rather.

More there than to the other grains of sand forming the riverbed … And these people represent an opportunity for us!

However, isn’t today’s humankind similar more to the inert tsunami rather, wreaking havoc? Instead of  heading towards the new shape of the formed already shores, closer to the Great Reality, in a strictly defined process of transformation leading to the once lost World of Real Existence?[…]


Dariusz Pacak has dedicated this book to bold, free people, who raise their lives to the stars*.

(*From Henryk Jasiczek’s poem ‘Skrzypce jodłowe’ (Fir Tree Fiddle) [in:] ‘Obuszkiem pisane’ (Witten with The |Hatched Bit). Literary and Artistic Section of the Polish Cultural and Educational Society, Czech Republic 1955. p. 39)


About the Author

Dariusz Pacak is a poet & essayist, settled in Austria. He holds MFA Degree in Art (Poland 1998). Professional Studies (Austria 2000). Hon. Doctor Degree of Literature (USA 2011). Member of World Academy of Arts and Culture (USA), Union of Polish Writers Abroad (Great Britain), Maison Naaman pour la Culture (Lebanon), Association of the Romanian Writes in North America (Canada), World Nations Writers’ Union, (Kazakhstan), IG Autorinnen Autoren (Austria), etc. Authored books: Birds of Emanations (2001), In Shattered Course of Things (2003), The House of the Golden Fleece (2004), The Seasons (2006). Homo Viator (2018, 2021). Worldwide awarded, published in 14 languages. Author of the over 380 worldwide publications in literary magazines, anthologies and on web. He deals with the axioms of tradition, religion, socio-political systems, the diversity of the norms of human existence and in creations of realities, and beyond of the human dimensions, the transgression towards mysticism.


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