A Nation Infested With Acute Inaction

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From MNAs or DCs to Naib Qasids or LDCs – our common sense is almost same; there remains no difference between a commissioned officer or PhD, or a primary pass or a completely illiterate rustic

Ever since I opened my eyes I felt that man is trapped in a ceaseless state of idleness or better say we have giant thinkers but actually flooded with inactive erudite. From governance to bureaucracy, from officers to students and from parents to children, we are all infested with acute idleness or inaction. I often pity myself, yes! Because I’m at least not a denier. I’m rather curious: what has happened to almost everyone. We work only under fear, loss, trauma or unavoidable natural calamities. Like the way animals work under their instincts.

The billion dollar motivation industry around the world has failed to make us do something. And yes, if it comes to knowledge, every one of us is individual Google in our respective egos but when it comes to application, action, perseverance, productivity or progress, we are all dumbasses. And then the only system that is successful in the world is:  Ta-da!!! Mr. danda. From MNAs or DCs to Naib Qasids or LDCs – our common sense is almost same; there remains no difference between a commissioned officer or PhD, or a primary pass or a completely illiterate rustic:  that is to do the work/duty only if threat or danger is used as a tool. Means all having the common psyche of donkey! They all need an abusive/coercive push. Imagine there is no accountability system in the government! How many of the people would still effortlessly do their respective duties? Can we imagine their percentage in the society? Well! I still wonder!!! What works for man? Love? Chance? Compulsion? Habit? Reason? Passion? Or desire? Scripture? Or danda!!!

Personally, to me knowledge is uselessly overrated, it is rather a carcass that is hung in the necks of the people the way books are loaded on the back of donkeys.

Hazqeel Murtaza Sarki

Karachi Sindh  



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