Home Letter A travel across the centuries, civilizations and systems

A travel across the centuries, civilizations and systems

A travel across the centuries, civilizations and systems

A stranger, not devoted to the one field of earth, to one nation, but a citizen of the Planet rather, adhering to a kaleidoscope of traditions

[Dr. Dariusz Pacak, an eminent author based in Vienna, writes a letter to Nasir Aijaz, Chief Editor Sindh Courier, sharing his views about the world of the reality – of the reason, thinking, system, visions, arrogance and stupidity – About the poorest and abhorrent (mentally) structure on this Planet (when stays under the influence of power of the Dark Side of Existence), and most fascinating, if deeded in the image and likeness of God, about the human creature]

Dear Nasir!

Thank you from the whole my heart for shared publication! You have worked a lot and seriously. Published by you literary material contains true only and is full of meanings.

How can I share my thanks with you?

I don’t want say too much, but it seems that maybe in not close future I will decide to drive by car to Pakistan… It will be the next “travel of the life”…. Visiting you and Karachi will be priority on that possibly way. But now this idea is a dream only. Hard times here, where I live. Everything going down.

I know that you have enough pages to read at your work…  But I think, you as publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Sindh Courier should know what is hidden in your current publication on Homo Viator… I suppose, your mind is full of knowledge, how cruel, and dangerous literary way can be… and was always…

As the experience shows, it is bad for you, if you are one step before others… or if you are brave enough to be able to speak the Truth, or your message shines like not from the human world, because you are talented, or merciful God “touched you with his finger” during the moment of your literary creation, or you were just mad that time- out of this world, and same time strong enough to be able to return to our human vision of the world finally, world of human mud, stupidity, smallness, arrogance, wars, and of beauty, love, humbleness, friendship, faith, humanity and miracles.

But that everything could be not seen positively by others. They could be jealous or even hate you. They can excluded you from the group, society. They can close all your ways, or even kill your life, or you. They can close you at the jail or in the Psychiatric Hospital. But in fact you are led by God, not by small minded people. So your survival is possible, if you are enough strong, if your faith is real and your talent enormous… You know probably the examples of Alexander Solschenizyn, Liu Xiaobo, Mihai Eminescu and others.

And what about the visions of Rishi Tagore? Is he really the enemy of beautiful Quran, or just a visionary mind led by love to the boundary free existence of the God? Real understanding of the true values is so had…

According to the lives above I would like to point that on my low and small level of life, have similar to them but a small life problems, as small my existence is.

Homo Viator as a piece of magical realism, is the book in which I try to find the highest level of existence possibly to reach by human, opposite to the common style used today. I am not accepted by my literary Diaspora. I point out in the book many ugly levels in the life of several nations and the existence of the state, try to find answers for seen today different forms of slavery called “democracy”, asking of the political role of the Church instead of its religious service, etc. And everything in the terms and conditions included in published by you essay “NEEDED HARMONY BETWEEN SECULARISM AND RELIGION”. It means: in the form of the walk / travel/ across the centuries, civilizations, systems, points of view, bloody experiences, death, mass crimes, and totalitarians…. In focus of the autobiographical base, but free from the author’s individual opinion. I put just a mirror of human being existing today and at the past, and show the one of the many possibly unusual ways of mental transformation for the humankind, to stay TRUE in possibly REALITY (on the base that “at the beginning” we were thrown away from the Paradise) without wars, hate, greed, manipulations,… where the consumers (Homo “POST- Sapiens”) become human again, but like our ancestors: Homo Sapiens from the Paradise. This book is absolutely (!) piece of art, and it doesn’t belong to the political or religious essayistic! So, dialog there is more or less safe for the both sides: author and reader. However the truth hurts! Pretty naive work. But… it hurts…

At first, I put here the historical background, since the II WW in Europe, Hitler’s Nazi and Soviet Russia occupation, role of the England, situation of Poland, influence of Nazism and communism today, impact of members of the secret services, until today, also in literary world. It is almost five pages long  explanation…thriller and crime story covered by the decades of years, almost forgotten but not explained: the dark sides of the human existence… But I am not sure if you are familiar with the moral dirt and mass-crimes done by Bolsheviks and so called free Western World at the past… what I finally removed from this letter. That everything has strong influence on the shape of the human inner construction, in so called “world of democracy”, today.  And these hidden historical facts are ground for my present being and for the Homo Viator.

Knowledge and wisdom do not sit well on the literary path.  It can be “too difficult” to many. Awareness that someone knows about your sordid past, that you have nothing to say in literary creativity, truthfully, does not reassure you. You remain nervous. You play a role, another role, appropriate for today, good for you. You know, that I someone sees your professional futility. You have a good life: you are university professor, a writer or a businessmen. You form “associations” to help yourself and friends just like you to stay safe. Of course, you are afraid of words of truth. You end up attacking… This is not pleasant for the observant, filled with knowledge of the fact.

Maybe I shouldn’t expect more today, after the German and Russian crime done on the Polish intelligence at the past, and after decades of Bolshevik’s indoctrination… I still hid the huge world from you, maybe unknown you, alive and terrible under the curtain: something what isn’t visible in manipulated side of the daily vision. True dimensions of the current human deeds, real power of the bad deeds, sometimes are discovered after many years, for the next generations. But new generations mostly are not interested in the past. They, as created today, don’t think about how yesterday affects my today and me.  Homo Viator somehow tries to point: running to the future you should same time explore the past. And that isn’t welcomed by many representatives of the old generations, who have something to hide.

Living as an awardee of the Bright Side of Existence with the destiny of a stranger, not devoted to the one field of earth, one nation, one vision of possible reality, but rather a citizen of the Planet, adhering to a kaleidoscope  of traditions, I  am able to explain you the price of all this, only. Please don’t put me the question, where directly is placed my home.

Now, I think, you can get a little better insight into the circumstances (or just their shadow) of the steps on the way leading to the Parnassus* of Arts. You know that published on the pages of Sindh Courier sentences have huge power and real meaning! You see that, with your huge mind!

In this light, THANK YOU, Nasir, a hundredfold, for your understanding and respect you have shown for my thought, my education, Love, and experience!

I send you a Blessing.



Dariusz Pacak1Dariusz Pacak is a poet & essayist, settled in Austria. He holds MFA Degree in Art (Poland 1998). Professional Studies (Austria 2000). Hon. Doctor Degree of Literature (USA 2011). Member of World Academy of Arts and Culture (USA), Union of Polish Writers Abroad (Great Britain), Maison Naaman pour la Culture (Lebanon), Association of the Romanian Writes in North America (Canada), World Nations Writers’ Union, (Kazakhstan), IG Autorinnen Autoren (Austria), etc. Authored books: Birds of Emanations (2001), In Shattered Course of Things (2003), The House of the Golden Fleece (2004), The Seasons (2006). Homo Viator (2018, 2021). Worldwide awarded, published in 14 languages. Author of the over 380 worldwide publications in literary magazines, anthologies and on web. He deals with the axioms of tradition, religion, socio-political systems, the diversity of the norms of human existence and in creations of realities, and beyond of the human dimensions, the transgression towards mysticism.


* A mountain in central Greece where (according to Greek mythology) the Muses lived; known as the mythological home of music and poetry


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