Illustration by the author

Only an act of moral and spiritual transgression can lead us to getting rid of all dualities, boundaries, fears, and the dark side of the power of human character

By Dariusz Pacak, Vienna, Austria

In relation to the indicated topic, it is very easy to observe that especially today, in this strange period. In order to continue the existence of our civilization, inward transgression should be the essential need of the human species, which will lead to the annihilation of current substrate recognized as ‘the ego’.

Only that way, the TRUE LOVE can come into being among us, and we will be rewarded with it.

And then as the righteous we will drink from a cup full of happiness*, fulfilled from the Spring of Shining. There is no other right path among the many paths.

A new vision of the next war will arise again, as it did many times in the past. And we will never be able to transform to the next, higher level of the existence, free from all pathologies, crimes, borders.

Only an act of moral and spiritual transgression can lead us to getting rid of all dualities, boundaries, fears, the dark side of the power of human character, and many other global problems created by human civilizations, including the abandonment of hidden wars between supporters of secularism and adherents of the church state.

But if our reason creates only ‘understanding’ of this subject, and feared spirit doesn’t follow the reason and will not free us from chains of the mental process of differentiating (where ‘I’ is always separate and always more important than ‘you’ and ‘they’, where science is treated in the same way as the Wisdom, and Wisdom and its experience are forgotten or effectively eliminated, and lies are more welcome than True is), nothing more will be done. Just another new veil of the projection of ego will be born – the cancer of modern humanity.

Italy.Garda Lake
Illustration by the author

Cancer leads to destruction, extermination and death.

A new vision of the next war will arise again, as it did many times in the past. And we will never be able to transform to the next, higher level of the existence, free from all pathologies, crimes, borders. We won’t be able to live the REAL EXISTENCE, which is the opposite of the modern image of hell of diseases, of hatred, and sufferings inflicted on each other. Everything will remain a dream only, endlessly… still.

So, is it not Philosophy and Poetry (and not the dangerous politicians and their manipulative games) conceived as a part of the basic principles in the complex structure of the foundation of human beings, of the Homo Sapiens: Homo Eruditus, Artifex, and finally–  Homo Liber(!) are indispensable to experience life, TRUE LIFE, like it is in REALITY ?!

Real Law and Power on Earth, how can they be products of man’s reason and littleness, when he himself is a formation of dust and water, thus having no other power but the soul? The soul does not come from the world of human imaginations.

Italiy Sicilia chains
Illustration by author

Then, should we not, rather try to follow the path of the Spirit? Should it not be the source of all structures of social life on this planet (which is also not from man), even the most important, greatest ones, such as the state or life in faith?

Should we not, then, do this together (while maintaining our inviolable separateness and human rights) in coexistence and humility, without fears and limits, boundaries, as ONE, as a multilateral WHOLE?

Illustration by author

Then also the problem of balance / harmony between the secular state and the influence of religion in the construction of the state will cease to exist.

In conclusion, with these words I address both the clergy assuming the role of politicians and corrupt layers of the ruling:

18 Vide humilitatem meam et laborem meum, et dimitte universa delicta mea.

19 Respice inimicos meos, quoniam multiplicati sunt, et odio iniquo oderunt me.

20 Custodi animam meam, et erue me: non erubescam, quoniam speravi in te.

[Psalm 24:18-20.]


*  […] As to the Righteous, they shall drink of a cup

          [Of vine] mixed with Kafur,

          – A Fountain where the Devotees of Allah do drink,

          Making it flow in unstinted abundance.

          They perform [their] vows, […]

Sura LXXVI, 5-7. [In:] The Holy Quran (Koran). King Fahd Holy Quran Printing Complex, Madinah1987, Saudi Arabia. Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali.


About the Author

Dariusz Pacak. ViennaDariusz Pacak is a poet & essayist, settled in Austria. He holds MFA Degree in Art (Poland 1998). Professional Studies (Austria 2000). Hon. Doctor Degree of Literature (USA 2011). Member of World Academy of Arts and Culture (USA), Union of Polish Writers Abroad (Great Britain), Maison Naaman pour la Culture (Lebanon), Association of the Romanian Writes in North America (Canada), World Nations Writers’ Union, (Kazakhstan), IG Autorinnen Autoren (Austria), etc. Authored books: Birds of Emanations (2001), In Shattered Course of Things (2003), The House of the Golden Fleece (2004), The Seasons (2006), literary sheet: Bulletin of Library &Culture Information dedicated to Dariusz Pacak (2011), Homo Viator (2018, 2021). Worldwide awarded, published in 14 languages. Author of the over 380 worldwide publications in literary magazines, anthologies and on web. He deals with the axioms of tradition, religion, socio-political systems, the diversity of the norms of human existence and in creations of realities, and beyond of the human dimensions, the transgression towards mysticism.





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