Address of happiness – A Poem from Korea


Yang Geum-Hee

Yang Geum-Hee Korea Sindh CourierPoetess Yang Geum-Hee was born in 1967 in Jeju, Korea. She has published two collections of poetry books, “Happiness Account” and “Ieodo, Island of Legend and Existence”, as well as one collection of essays titled “Happy Companion”. Additionally, she published the academic book ‘Inheritance of Ieodo Culture’. She was the first president of the Ieodo Literature Association, the editor-in-chief of the Jejuin News, and worked as a research fellow at the Society of Ieodo Research. She served as a researcher at the Jeju Sea Grand Center at Jeju National University and a specially appointed professor at Jeju International University. Currently, she is an editorial writer for the New Jeju Ilbo, a special researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of Jeju National University, a vice-president of the Jeju Regional Committee of the Korean PEN Center, an Executive of the Jeju Institute for Korean Unification, and an Executive of the Korean Association of Ethics. She has won four literary awards.

Address of Happiness

The road begins at the end of language

At the end of the road is the word’s address


If you follow the words of love

There is a words house full of warmth

In the place where happy people stayed for a long time

There is a caring word’s house


Recognizing the word’s address is simple

Follow the path of the heart

Anyone can find it even without a milestone

Just follow the temperature


People who used to be happy

Thinking beyond greed

Sometimes they used to lose the address of happiness


So as not to lose the way

Keep the light in your heart


Even if you somehow lose that address

If you want to find that way again

Just follow the language of happy people


Soft wind,

Do not let go of the warmth;

Embrace the bright smile that greets you at the end of the road.


snfi9p8iy26zr8ck9rw9e9nzgl1lv4rt행복의 주소

언어의 끝에서 길이 시작된다

길의 끝에는 말의 주소가 있다


사랑의 말을 따라가면

온기 가득한 말의 집이 있고

행복한 사람들이 오래 머물던 자리에는

배려 가득한 말의 집이 있다


말의 주소를 알아차리는 방법은 간단하다

마음의 길을 따라

이정표가 없어도 누구나 찾을 있는

온도를 따라가면 된다


예전에 행복했던 사람들도

욕심 너머를 생각하다가

가끔씩 행복의 주소를 잃어버리곤 했다


잃지 않도록

마음의 등불을 지켜야 한다


어쩌다 주소를 잃어버린다 하더라도

길을 다시 찾고 싶다면

행복한 사람들의 언어를 따라가면 된다


부드러운 바람과

따뜻한 온기를 놓지 말아야 한다

길의 끝에 마중 나와 있는

맑은 웃음과 만나야




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