An Indian University to introduce Sindhi Sarangi Subject


The University would also launch certificate and diploma courses at a later stage and then would offer graduation and degree courses.

Sindh Courier Report

Bilaspur, India

Dr. C. V. Raman University, Chhattisgarh’s first private university established in November 2006 in Bilaspur district, is expected to introduce a subject on Sindhi Sarangi, a musical instrument, from the month of August this year when the new academic session will begin.

“A few days back I called on the Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. R. P. Dube and suggested to give due importance to Sindhi Sarangi like that given to Tabla, Violin, Harmonium and other musical instruments, and he agreed introducing the Sindhi Sarangi subject,” Rajesh Kumar Parasramani, a renowned Sindhi Sarangi player, informed Sindh Courier from Bilaspur city of Chhatishgarh state of India.

Rajesh Kumar Parasramani with Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. R. P. Dube
Rajesh Kumar Parasramani with Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. R. P. Dube

Rajesh himself is doing Ph.D. from the same university and has completed his thesis on Sindhi Sarangi. The thesis is expected to be published in book form by the end of April. “The book also mentions other Sindhi musical instruments like Boreendo, Alghoza, Surando and Shahnaee as well as various ragas including Momal Rano,” Rajesh said.

“My book on Sindhi Sarangi would be taught at the university and Vice Chancellor was kind enough to agree to my suggestion of launching initially the certificate courses on Sindhi Sarangi. At a later stage the diploma courses will be offered and then the bachelors, masters and Ph.D. degrees would be introduced,” he told.

The book, written in Devnagri, is being published by Dr. C. V. Raman University. It’s also being translated in English and Perso-Arabic Sindhi script. “This would be the first part of book, hopefully to be launched on April 17,” he said adding that second part of book contains the folk surs of Sindhi found in the poetry of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai.

The audio copies of both the books are also under preparation and will be available at India’s e-library.

Rajesh himself would join the university after a year when he will complete his Ph.D. and teach Sindhi Sarangi to the students.

June 27 set to observe World Sindhi Sarangi Day- Rajesh- SindhCourier
Rajesh Kumar Parasramani playing Sindhi Sarangi – Sindh Courier

Last year, Rajesh had developed his own one-piece wooden Sindhi Sarangi and also established Sindhu Gharana to promote the Sindhi Sarangi maintaining the identity of this musical instrument. He has also developed Easy Code Method in Braille for the visually-impaired persons to learn the Sarangi. He himself has visual impairment but despite that has won several honors and set a record of Fastest Sarangi Player. He plans to write international notations of Sindhi Ragas on Sarangi to introduce Sindhi music instrument on world level.

Watch the Video: Sindhi Sarangi 

Rajesh Parasramani, whose ancestors had migrated to India from Sehwan town of Sindh in 1947, has a government job however he learnt Sarangi having passion for it.
