Blooming Buds of May – A poem from Bhutan


Staring by the open mouthed window, Saw I thousand buzzing bee’s shadow, All over the newly sprung buds of May

[author title=”Seeta Maya Rai” image=””]Seeta Maya Rai, 18 years old Bhutanese writer is currently studying in grade 12 in Peljorling Higher Secondary School. She adopted writing as passion since her early age. Till today, she has written a number of poems and articles and some have been published in anthology while some are being translated into many other languages. Seeta has received many awards from different literary forums. [/author]


Blooming Buds of May

Staring by the open mouthed window

Saw I thousand buzzing bee’s shadow

All over the newly sprung buds of May

Breathing melodic air of the hued bay!


Then joined fairy birds in blue and red

Like a golden rays of sun on global head

Paved its way from one bud to another

Swimming the oceans of sweet nectar!


Seeing young white rabbits that less visit

Leaped my heart with joy like a little kid

That touches the sky when becomes happy

Remained I staring with a cup of coffee!


Gazing bright buds, bees and birds upon bay

Wore me with inmost ecstasy in every way

Where became my daily chore until dark night

And knew I everyone adores tranquil sight.


Italian Version

(Translated by Stefania Miola)

Boccioli di maggio in fiore –

Fissando dalla finestra a bocca aperta

 Ho visto l’ombra di migliaia di api ronzanti

Su tutte le gemme appena spuntate di maggio


Respirando l’aria melodica della baia colorata. Poi si unì agli uccelli fatati in blu e rosso

Come un raggio di sole dorato sulla testa del mondo.


Asfaltata è la strada da un bocciolo all’altro Nuotando tra gli oceani del dolce nettare.

Vedo ancuni coniglietti  bianchi  sparire.


 Il mio cuore batte  di gioia come un bambino Che tocca il cielo quando diventa felice.

 Sono rimasta a fissarli con una tazza di caffè.

Guardando boccioli luminosi, api e uccelli sulla baia.


Questa vista mi  trasporta  in uno stato d’immensa  estasi . Lo  stato d’essere di ogni giorno fino alla notte profonda.

Lo so  che tutti adorano la quiete.

[author title=”Stefania Miola” image=””]Stefania Miola is an eminent Poetess, Art Critic and Writer from Italy. She lives in a small town on the outskirts of Turin. Since 2015, three books of Stefania have been published – “One sky – the only true one”, “Violets in the Desert” and “The scent of the white rabbit”. These books were presented at the Turin International Book Fair and all books are awarded nationally and internationally. Her several poems are present in anthologies of various publishing houses. Stefania Miola had been writing for Sindh Courier.[/author]