Boys will be boys

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Courtesy: Pinterest

Instead of using the phrase “boys will be boys,” it is important to encourage positive behaviors and address negative behaviors in both boys and girls.

The phrase “boys will be boys” is often used to excuse or justify certain behaviors, particularly those that are considered to be aggressive, competitive, or impulsive. This phrase suggests that these behaviors are natural and inherent in boys, and therefore should not be discouraged or punished.

While it is true that boys and girls may have different tendencies or preferences, it is important to recognize that gender is not the sole determining factor in behavior. Moreover, the phrase “boys will be boys” can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and expectations that limit both boys and girls.

By assuming that certain behaviors are “normal” for boys, we may overlook or dismiss behavior that is harmful, such as bullying or aggression towards others. Additionally, this phrase can reinforce the idea that boys should not express emotions or vulnerabilities, leading to difficulties with emotional regulation and communication.

Instead of using the phrase “boys will be boys,” it is important to encourage positive behaviors and address negative behaviors in both boys and girls. This can include promoting empathy, communication, and healthy conflict resolution skills, as well as modeling respectful and inclusive behavior. Ultimately, we should strive to create a culture that values and celebrates the diversity of individuals, regardless of gender.

Zahoor Abbas

Larkano Sindh


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