Home World Literature Contemporary World Literature – A Poem from Bangladesh

Contemporary World Literature – A Poem from Bangladesh

Contemporary World Literature – A Poem from Bangladesh

Contemporary World Literature – A Poem from Bangladesh -1Contemporary World Literature

A Poem from Bangladesh

By Faruk Ahmed Roni

ContemporaryWorldLiterature-Bangladesh- Faruk-Ahmed-Sindh CourierFaruk Ahmed Roni, hailing from Bangladesh is a poet and writer living in London. He is the founder and editor of the Global Poet and Poetry and Shikor Web Portal and Facebook Group.

Endless Mithila

Mithila walking sleepless

Crosses the hill of grief

The burning fire of memory followed

The shadow of mist

Not be crossed

It’s like an uncertain fleeing cloud

Time ignites on fire of envy.

Mithila floats on sweaty water

Sixteen-year-old adolescence nurtured in fatigue



Trembling in humid air

The endangered time of mortality around Mithila

Lost in Illusion, traveled alone

Swan without a companion.

The nostalgia of ruined desire

Without lust, puberty not be crossed

Memory being treasured as of kin

Adversity hangs the balance of life,

Mithila, alone today in the dusk at desolate

Adapting to a different realm,

The realm like quicksand in the dark

Dying through drowning to survive


Mithila bloomed to be eternal at the end!

(A young college girl recently found hanged inside the flat is told she was victimized by a wealthy, powerful businessman in Bangladesh)
