Home World Literature Contemporary World Literature: Poems from Peru

Contemporary World Literature: Poems from Peru

Contemporary World Literature: Poems from Peru
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Contemporary World Literature - Poems from Peru-3
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Contemporary World Literature Poems from Peru

By Ramina Herrera Arteaga

Contemporary World Literature - Poems from Peru- Ramina- Sindh CourierRamina Herrera Arteaga, born in Luya, Amazonas, Peru in 1979, is a Business Administrator by profession. She graduated from the National University of Trujillo – UNT. She received an honorable mention in the 2002 UNT Flower Tales. Her poetry “Memories of Unborn” was published online by the magazine “Voices” of Spain. In 2006 it was included in the anthology “Caminos de Poesía” (Editorial Fund of the Provincial Municipality of Cajamarca. ”In 2007 it published the Poemario“ Nocturna Soledad y otros Poemas ”(Katequil Editores). Currently finishing the layout of the second edition (digital) of “Nocturna Soledad y otros Poemas”, culminating in the poems “WRITINGS OF THE LUNA WOMAN” and “LUYA, PEDACITO DE CIELO”; also promoting a group OLEOS Y VERSOS -PERU that brings together poets and visual artists to join to a larger Latin American group called JUNTOS POR LAS LETRAS, headquartered in Argentina; participates in the Global Poet and Poetry group and is an active member of the board of directors and editorial board; She has been awarded many prestigious recognition for her writing.


Ironies of life

Or the duality itself

Laugh a moment

And then cry like rain.

What happened life

I ask you and I face

Without mincing words

With the fucking pain

That emerges

Of the soul itself,

Take you the only beautiful thing

That appeared in years

No goodbyes

No hugs

No kisses

Just words, words


Who committed suicide?

In vain attempt

To embrace time,

The time that lied on the clock

In my dreams,

In the hope of starting again

To love life much more,

To live every moment

That at this point

There is not much left for us.

Sorry to speak from the pain,

Pain that fucks, that hurts

And corrodes the thought,

What should I disperse?

Clean, healthy verses

Of light, of love

But today they only go out

Sad verses,



Pissed off

Sorry for the shadow that lives in me today…


I write for the simple necessity

To do catharsis,

The darkness wants to take over my soul

Because the absence is immense

Like the silence of your words

Of your steps in the house

Of your smell on shirts

The photos don’t want to talk to me

The smiles turned cold,

And the brightness of your eyes

Got lost with a bullet

That not only went through your body

But also mine,

On a cold afternoon

Cold late April!


Ramina Herrera wrote these poems in memory of her friend – an American soldier killed in an attack on US base in Afghanistan on April 20, 2021.