Home Literature/Poetry For a better world – A Bouquet of Poems from Albania

For a better world – A Bouquet of Poems from Albania

For a better world – A Bouquet of Poems from Albania
Gjirokaster - Wikipedia photo

The wind of change will make for the future to be better, with hope, more beautiful than today…

Marjeta Shatro Rrapaj, one of the contemporary Albanian poets, shares her poetry

Albania-PoetMarjeta Shatro Rrapaj, born in Gjirokastra (Albania), is one of the contemporary Albanian poets. Rrapaj studied Albanian Literature at the University of Gjirokastra. She is the author of 8 volumes of poetry and a book of prose. Two poetic volumes published in France in French. One poetic volume published in English and Spanish and the last volume published in 5 languages: Albanian, English, French, Italian and German. His poems are a mixture of imagination and reality. In 2019, she received the Alphonso G. Newcomer Poetry Train Prize in the United States and Canada for the poetic volume “Vesta” and the first prize of the Poetry Festival in Bulgaria.

Rooftop panorama view of Gjirokastër castle – Wikipedia


We wander in the chaos of desires

Those big and small wishes

Among the chaos of the streets

Which ones should we follow to make them happen?

Movement with clouds, with birds

Sort by aircraft

After everything that flies

With the melody of love

For the life that collides with us

With the troubled reality

From the chaotic noise

Of cybernetic media power

Embedding into consciousness

That the wind of change will make

For the future to be better

With hope

More beautiful than today…


Wikipedia photo


Don’t be surprised with me

Why do I want to answer to all the whys of this world?

Why I want to touch the boundaries of knowledge

Why I want to find out

The unknown dimensions of man

For feelings, passions, desires

So don’t be surprised how I behave

I am seduced by the perfection of my beloved

With words and eyes that burn the silence…


1280px-Saint_Sotir_Church,_GjirokasterTRANSIENT SUFFERING…

Cut off from people

For a long time.

Suffering great loneliness,

The pain of absence…

The outer void

Suppresses inner feelings

Leading to slow reactions

That burn in silence.


To give up desires,

From limited prohibited

By legitimate right


The moment will come

So that the fear of the mystery disappears

Courage is uncontrollable

Where new ideas will rule over personal ego

For balance of forces

For release from heavy shackles

That fate decides us unexpectedly.

Let’s finally wake up

From the parenthetical state of transitory insanity

With the long-awaited arrival of the leap year

Waiting for the wind of hope for peace of mind.



My dream got old

Dream of a life full of trouble

Like the sun it appears and disappears

In the far horizon without end

Troubled sleep torments

It snatches again

Forehead covered in sweat

The body raised somnabul

Concerns recall

The soul prays

It begs for oblivion

Until dawn


The night fades away

Every dream

Every memory…


Gjirokastër_016EMERALD EYES OF LIFE…

Eyes thirsty for life

With the colors of the waters

They devour the horizon

Touch the intangible borders of the Sun

To rise above the ephemerality of the everyday

They hear the cries of the centuries

That come with the echoes of the wind

Through beaks of birds tearing the air

To rebuild the present

On the traces of the old

Covered in oblivion

With rust cuffs

That tighten the pains of the times

That went with a storm

On the goals of patience

To seek and find the flame of thought

At random intersections of fate

Frozen in icons of the holy faith

For clarification and clarification of mysteries

Like unknown hieroglyphs of tomorrow

Under the melody of the waves

Foaming with thunder

To reborn Venus

The shores of myths and legends

To amaze with forgotten souls

Back with the misty silence

That surrounds humanity

And with a magnificent view

It rules the skies of faith

Without allowing the modern Dantes to descend the stairs

To bring back “poor Beatrices”

Who sleep in the dark world of Hades…


Prepared by Angela Kosta Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator





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