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Fostering Creativity in Pakistan’s Universities

Fostering Creativity in Pakistan’s Universities

Let us recognize the untapped potential that lies within individuals from diverse backgrounds and strive to provide them with equal opportunities

By Dr. Mahmood Laghari

As we step further into the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the role of creativity in shaping the future becomes increasingly vital. Universities play a crucial role in nurturing creative minds that can drive innovation and progress. However, to truly harness the power of creativity, we must focus on fostering diversity and inclusion during student enrolment. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, financial aid mechanisms for the underprivileged community are lacking, limiting access to education for talented individuals from diverse backgrounds. Addressing these issues is essential to unlock the untapped potential and creativity that lies within our universities.

The Time of AI and the Importance of Creativity

With AI making significant strides across various industries, creativity emerges as a distinct human trait that machines cannot replicate. Creative thinking allows individuals to approach challenges from unique perspectives, envision unconventional solutions, and bring original ideas to life. In the context of rapidly evolving technology, fostering creativity in universities is not just a choice but a necessity.

The Power of Diversity in Unlocking Creativity

Diversity in all forms, be it gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, or educational history, brings a wealth of varied experiences and perspectives to the table. Universities can harness this power of diversity to create an inclusive learning environment that stimulates creativity. A diverse student body encourages cross-cultural collaboration, challenges preconceived notions, and fosters a deeper understanding of global challenges.

Financial Inclusion as the Gateway to Diversity

While recognizing the importance of diversity, it is crucial to address the lack of financial aid mechanisms that hinder students from underprivileged communities from pursuing higher education. In Pakistan, many brilliant minds with the potential to contribute creatively to academia and society are unable to access quality education due to financial constraints.

By establishing robust financial aid programs, universities can bridge the gap between talent and opportunity. Scholarships, grants, and tuition waivers can provide a lifeline to deserving students, enabling them to unleash their creative potential and contribute to the country’s growth.

foster-creativity-team-2048x1143Embracing Varied Minds and Capacities

It is essential to acknowledge that candidates from different backgrounds bring unique minds and capacities to the table. Each individual has their own set of experiences, skills, and talents that, when nurtured, can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and innovations.

By welcoming students from diverse backgrounds, universities create a dynamic ecosystem where ideas intersect, creativity flourishes, and new frontiers are explored. An inclusive academic environment sparks a synergy of ideas that can push the boundaries of knowledge and shape a better future.


In the age of AI, creativity remains the driving force behind progress and innovation. To cultivate creativity effectively, Pakistani universities must prioritize diversity and inclusion during student enrolment. By providing financial aid mechanisms to the underprivileged community, we can ensure that no talent goes waste due to financial constraints.

Let us recognize the untapped potential that lies within individuals from diverse backgrounds and strive to provide them with equal opportunities. Embracing varied minds and capacities will not only enrich our educational institutions but also pave the way for a brighter and more creative future for Pakistan. It is time to act collectively and unlock the true potential of our universities by fostering an inclusive and creative academic environment.


Dr. Mahmood Laghari is Chairman, Department of Energy and Environment, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam




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