Home Psychology Intricacies of Human Adaptation and Societal Transformation

Intricacies of Human Adaptation and Societal Transformation

Intricacies of Human Adaptation and Societal Transformation
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You absorb and emulate what you observe in your surroundings, whether it’s within your family, among friends, or elsewhere

The process of generation to generation entails inheritance, but it does not solely determine one’s learning, behavior, and thinking. These aspects are influenced by the environment, which creates a constant flux in how one behaves and thinks. You evolve into a completely different individual as a result of the feedback from society. You absorb and emulate what you observe in your surroundings, whether it’s within your family, among friends, or elsewhere. The changes you witness gradually shape you, and you conform to them. This can be attributed to social or political influences. Engaging with aggressive content, such as talk show debates, impacts you emotionally. However, it does not imply that you only adopt negative and regressive ideas; you can also adopt impressive and appealing behaviors. The crux of the matter is that you follow what you perceive in your environment and adapt accordingly. If you encounter toxicity or negativity, it can harden your soul and make you callous. Additionally, some children distance themselves from their families or parents due to the toxicity they experience in their surroundings or the lack of attention they receive. Sadly, these children who prefer solitude as a refuge from the continuous aggression and rudeness of society rarely receive counseling or support. This led to perplexity situation and aversion for the people. Solution lies in our society and environment working diligently to improve social behavior.




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