Home Literature/Poetry Missing Rhythm on the Way Home – Poetry from Vietnam

Missing Rhythm on the Way Home – Poetry from Vietnam

Missing Rhythm on the Way Home – Poetry from Vietnam
Singing Quan họ at Hoàn Kiếm Lake - Wikipedia

I was holding a betel piece, enjoying Quan Ho singing at night, being afraid of missing the rhythm on the way home.

Nguyen Xuan Lai, an eminent poet from Vietnam, the Land of Blue Dragon, shares his poetry

tác giả Nguyễn Xuân LaiNguyen Xuan Lai, born in 1954, is the member of the Hanoi Writers’ Association, and the Vietnam Writers’ Association. He has published three poetry collections and two short story collections – with the Vietnam Writers’ Association Publishing House. He received an award from the Vietnam Writers’ Association for prose.

Women sing Quan họ at Đô Temple – Wikipedia


Oh, how you are just like crimson petals

And yet also pink like faded peach blossoms

Perhaps that’s why though the wind is still cold

Already my soul sways in this January and February.


The look in your eyes when your season awakes

How many springs have passed, my dear?

How many men and women sang Quan Ho

About fate in love in their melodious voices.


Why are January and February so loving?

That you dress in beautiful multi-layered traditional clothes

I was holding a betel piece, enjoying Quan Ho singing at night

Being afraid of missing the rhythm on the way home.


Rain and storm


You bring the rain and storm

To make my heart freeze

Fearful that one day spiders will no longer spin silk

The afternoon indifferently passes through the thirsty grassland,

The night sits by the dying fire, waiting for hours to go by.

Somewhere else, my heart is still beating

Still wandering, searching in faraway lands

Longing for you through countless times of burning flames

May you forever be the breath of my soul!



Could it be that I don’t stay awake because of you

Here, a horizon that’s far away

The night is cold, and the night is deep

Oh, my love! The sound of waves is crashing in my heart.

The ocean out there seems so tiny

The frozen continents… I don’t care

Only the verse is quietly taking root

Though it pains me to know you’re turning away indifferently

Out there, Yen Tu compares to Ba Vi

Both may tower over the horizon… I don’t care

Only this night, this quiet verse

Flows silently, crashing waves stay awake because of you.

One-sided I am! Though just one-sided I am

A hundred states of loneliness… I don’t care

The night continues to flow with new night currents

One-sided love verse is awake because of you.

(Translated into English by HFT)


Read: The soul of Vietnamese history – Poetry from Vietnam



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