Nests of Birds – A Poem from Jeju Island of Korea


Yang Geum-Hee

Yang-Geum-Hee-KoreaPoetess Yang Geum-Hee was born in 1967 in Jeju, Korea. She has published two collections of poetry books, “Happiness Account” and “Ieodo, Island of Legend and Existence”, as well as one collection of essays titled “Happy Companion”. She was the first president of the Ieodo Literature Association, the editor-in-chief of the Jejuin News, and worked as a research fellow at the Society of Ieodo Research. She served as a researcher at the Jeju Sea Grand Center at Jeju National University and a specially appointed professor at Jeju International University. Currently, she is editorial writer for the New Jeju Ilbo, a special researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of Jeju National University, vice-president of the Jeju Regional Committee of the Korean PEN Center, Executive of the Jeju Institute for Korean Unification, and Executive of the Korean Association of Ethics. She has won four literary awards.

Nests of Birds

 Birds do not build their homes

For themselves,

But for their young ones


They build nests in bushes or tree holes

And share warmth with each other


With that strength,

They become the wind,

They become the clouds,

To open their way to the sky


Knowing their destiny is to fly high,

Birds do not build nests to stay.


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새들의 둥지

새들은 몸을 위해

집을 짓지 않는다

어린 새끼를 위해 둥지를 튼다


덤불 속, 나무 구멍

서로 온기를 나눈다



하늘에 길을 열기 위해

바람이 된다

구름이 된다


창공을 날아야하는 숙명을 아는 새는

머물기 위해 둥지를 틀지 않는다.




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