New Sindhi Poetry Book Launched in India

Book-India-Sindh Courier

Book was inaugurated by little school kids at a ceremony in Baroda, Gujarat  

Sindh Courier Report
Vadodara, Gujarat, India

A Sindhi poetry book titled ‘Khaari Chashni’ (Sour Sweetness) written by a new young Sindhi poetess Varsha Subhash Vaswani was launched on Thursday November 23, 2023 at Activity Center, New Karelibaug in Vadodara City of Gujarat.

Book-India-Baroda-Sindh CourierBook was inaugurated by Little Kids of the Centre. Dance on Bhagat Kanwarram’s song was performed by the non-Sindhi students.

A large number of Sindhis are settled in Vadodara (Baroda), Ahmedabad and other cities of Gujarat state.

Book-India-Baroda-Sindh Courier-5Karishma Savlani was the main anchor of function while Mrs. Bharti Kewalramani, Ex-Principal, Harisheva School, Mr. Hiro Kanjwani, Municipal Councilor -Ward-6, Mr. Murli Bhojwani of Kanwar Kala Kendra, Dr. Bhajanlal Chandwani, Haresh Agnani of Sujag Sindhi Samiti and many other community members and school children attended the launching ceremony.

Book-India-Baroda-Sindh Courier-3Book-India-Baroda-Sindh Courier-1Sunita Subhash Vaswani, mother of Varsha Subhash Vaswani, herself a poetess and author of a Sindhi poetry book ‘Char Manhun’ (Four Persons), told on phone that their books are published in Perso-Arabic script of Sindhi language. “I had suggested my daughter to start writing poetry in Sindhi.”

Book-India-Baroda-Sindh Courier-4Book-India-Baroda-Sindh Courier-2Ms. Sunita said she taught Sindhi language to her daughter, who also took keen interest in learning and writing the poetry in Sindhi. Her poetry consists of social messages.

“My book was published in 2020 while my daughter’s book, has recently been published,” Ms. Sunita added.

Ms. Sunita proudly said that they are focusing on promoting Sindhi language and culture being their identity.



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