The First Sign of Life – Poetry from Italy

A view of San Giuliano di Puglia, Italy

Everything is generated by the nourishment of love

Elisa Mascia, an eminent poetess and writer from Italy, shares ‘The First Sign of Life’ and other poems

Elisa MasciaElisa Mascia, born in Santa Croce di Magliano (Cb) in 1956, lives in San Giuliano di Puglia (Cb). She is a teacher, poet, writer, declaimer, reviewer, juror at cultural events and cultural manager. She has participated in numerous national and international poetry competitions, obtaining prizes, certificates of participation and merits. In July 2019, her first collection of poems from the Sylloge entitled “La Grattugia della Luna” was published. She edited the poetic translation into Italian of some of the poet’s poems. She has authored several articles for the online newspapers and magazines. She collaborates with the Nicaraguan journalist Carlos Javier Jarquin and co-authors Canto Planetario. She is also the member of the Writers Capital Foundation International and Italian Coordinator of PILF: 2022-2023-2024 and PIAF 2022-2023, Head of the Hagiography Iconography International Biennial of the Writers Capital Foundation International 2023, Author, Artist, Cultural Promoter, Member of the Organizing Committee of International Literature Panorama Festivals, Editor of “The Complete Magazine” – Italy. She draws and paints from online lessons of the Argentine master ceramist, sculptor, artist plastic Miguel Angel Guiñazu. She received, from the “Pacis Nuntii” Movement-Argentina, the Certificate and the Universal Flag of Peace which gives the wearer the character and spirit of Herald and Builder of Universal Peace. She is Lady of the Rainbow nominated by Professor Teresa Gentile. In July 2023 she published the book of poems “Melodia d’amore” (Melody of love). In February 2024 she published the poetic collection “Tra l’infinito e l’immenso” (Between the infinite and the immense).

San-Giuliano-di-Puglia-The-historic-citadel-is-on-the-knoll-on-the-left-and-theTHE FIRST SIGN OF LIFE

Everything is generated by the nourishment of love,

A perfect machine powered by the strength of a breath,

A swirling circular ride in the universe,

Driven by the silent rhythm devoid of noise.


Essential, renewed, and healthy energy,

That rejoices the body and soul of man,

Even when tears form due to pain,

I embrace them with the air in a moment.


The vital element after water and earth,

Clean and precious with a sparkling atmosphere,

Gives new impetus to every morning,

Despite the fumes and the widespread gunfire of war.


A deep breath and an outstretched hand,

Peace reflected in the eyes of a brother,

Where one can see how beautiful the world is,

That’s why not even Nature has given up.


It has intoxicating colors and a leafy carpet,

Thunderous melody of a universal song,

That rises up to the sky among ancient perfumes,

Building a bridge to connect us.


Life to consciousness, our breath,

Uniting the body with our thoughts,

Being self-presence and always true,

Meditating now on the warm breath of Zephyr.


San-Giuliano-di-Puglia-collapsed-and-demolished-buildings-in-main-streetMOM FOREVER

Mom, you have always lived in my heart,

The home built by you for years,

When you decided to give me life,

With the blessing of the Lord.


There is not a day when thoughts do not come from you,

Continuity to your wise advice,

Imparted in eternal lessons to us, your children,

Making your presence on Earth long-lasting.


If I close my eyes for a moment,

Deep and serene is the perception,

Having you in my mind during meditation,

Your voice resounds, sure, carried by the wind.


Mom, the sweetest name to pronounce,

Every child receives a gift for life,

Which they later realize slips through their fingers,

Only the teaching of love remains.

(Translated into English by Irene Doura -Kavadia)



I hear the whistling of the wind,

 Interrupts this deafening silence

 Which now fills every moment

 Of your overflowing absence,

 The scenario passes before your eyes

 Of time imprisoned in the imagination.


 That wanders with infinite speed

 More than the sound of your words

 Attracted into the cosmos by a magnet,

 Hope consoles the aching heart

 Waits endlessly for your thought

 Of serenity and peace as always a harbinger.


 Silence is while the sun shines

 Dissolves the crystallized dew of absence

 Shouts the mind that only wants you,

 In the interminable instant it is presence

 It doesn’t matter if real or imagined

 Being loved echoes in the silence.


 Repeat, love, your voice in confirmation

 He finds relief in internal dialogue

 That when it’s true the Earth trembles

 And again in the here and now I receive.

 Silence interrupted by endless minutes

 The hands and numbers had fallen off the clock.


And not being able to score time

Replaced by heartbeats that he still knows how to love.


Read: The Wanderer – Poetry from Italy



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