The next world financial crisis – a huge opportunity for humanity! Part-II


The situation in which we currently find ourselves is unique in the history of mankind. Never before has the entire world been subjected to such a global regime of coercion as in our time.

Ernst Wolff

So what to do?

In this situation, the decision was obviously made in favor of a new system and a dual strategy for its installation: On the one hand, they are preparing a new system in the background, away from the eyes of the public, and on the other, they are simultaneously using the final phase of the current moribund system to plunder it by every trick in the book.

This is exactly what we have been witnessing since last March: the deliberate and conscious destruction of the world economy for the sole purpose of self-enrichment by the digital-financial complex, with simultaneous preparation of a new system by the central banks in cooperation with the IT corporations.

We also already know what this new system is to look like: it is the complete abolition of cash and banks in their previous form and the introduction of digital central bank money. The ultimate goal is for each of us to have just one account through which all transactions will be conducted, and this account will no longer be held at a commercial bank, but at the central bank.

The idea behind this plan is as follows: digital central bank money is programmable, and since central banks can create unlimited money out of thin air, it would indeed be possible to introduce negative interest rates in this way without destroying the system.

But that is far from the only property that digital central bank money possesses. It would allow the state to monitor all transactions, assign us different tax rates, and impose individual penalties on us.

The state could partially tie the money to an expiration date, and it could force us to spend certain sums within certain time periods. But it could also earmark the money and impose on us to spend certain amounts only on certain goods or in certain regions. Most importantly, the state would be able to cut each of us off from all payment flows with a simple click of the mouse, thus shutting us off financially.

Watch the Video: Speech by German Economist 

Digital central bank money would be the most effective social control mechanism that has existed in human history and thus nothing more and nothing less than the completion of an all-encompassing dictatorship brought about via money.

However, the whole thing has a huge catch, namely: the expected resistance of the population. It can be safely assumed that a large part of the people will not accept this form of disenfranchisement, so there would be great social unrest when digital central bank money is introduced.

It is precisely this problem that has obviously given the digital-financial complex the idea of reversing the process of introducing this money. In other words: not to introduce digital central bank money gradually and risk great resistance that would lead society into chaos, but exactly the other way around: to lead society into chaos in order to present digital central bank money as the solution to all problems, in the form of universal basic income.

If you think this is a conspiracy theory plucked out of thin air, I would recommend that you take another close look at what we have experienced over the past 18 months:

Under the pretext of combating a disease, devastating and irreparable damage has been done to health, the economy and finances, the full impact of which we are only beginning to feel. At the same time, work is being done day after day to increase this damage. At the same time, the social divide is being systematically deepened by driving ever new wedges between people. All of this is leading us in ONE direction: social unrest and even civil war, worldwide. And exactly this is wanted according to all information available to me.

We experience at present that under use of all conceivable means one tries to cause the greatest possible social chaos, in order to come up then on the high point of this chaos with a panacea with the name universal basic income and to transform in this way maximum chaos into maximum control.

There is also a second reason why universal basic income must come from the point of view of the powerful: We are in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and in the period ahead we will see the loss of millions upon millions of jobs through the use of Artificial Intelligence.

This means that millions of consumers will be eliminated, and demand for consumer goods will collapse ever more sharply. But since the current economic system is consumption-driven, in order to keep it alive, you have to break this downward spiral, and the only way to do that is to give money to unemployed consumers even if they don’t have jobs.

So we see: What we have experienced in the past 18 months and what we are currently experiencing is all quite obviously following a plan, and that plan is: dismantling the current system in favor of the elite, creating maximum economic and social chaos, and establishing a new system under the pretext of wanting to provide humanitarian aid.

This plan can be read, by the way, in the two books “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “The Great Reset” by Klaus Schwab, whose World Economic Forum (WEF) plays a key role in the whole agenda.

Over the past 50 years, the WEF has managed to become one of the most important control centers of the digital-financial complex, first by networking business leaders, later also politicians, and still later also media representatives, the high nobility and celebrities, and since the 1990s additionally by subjecting them to targeted training.

We now know that since 1992 the “Global Leaders of Tomorrow” and since 2005 the “Young Global Leaders” have been subjected to systematic and increasingly in-depth training by the WEF, and that these are precisely the people who are currently sitting directly at the levers of power. Whether Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos or Jack Ma from the IT sector, whether BlackRock boss Larry Fink, IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva or ex-Bank of England boss Mark Carney from the financial sector, or whether Emmanuel Macron, Sebastian Kurz or Angela Merkel from politics – they have all either been trained by the WEF or sit on its governing bodies.

Incidentally, it is not just the 1,300 members of this closely networked leadership elite who pull the wires worldwide. Since 2012, they have also been joined by 10,000 so-called “global shapers,” under-thirties leaders from business and politics, especially startups, who have also been brought together by the WEF and exert influence on the course of the world as it sees fit.

And anyone who wants to know what this gait should look like is recommended to take a look at the works of WEF founder Klaus Schwab. And if at this point you still don’t believe that all that we are experiencing and have experienced is following a plan, you should take a look at the publication date of Schwab’s “Great Reset”. Released on July 9, 2020, less than four months after the global lockdown, the book already gives detailed instructions on how to use Covid-19 to, in Schwab’s words, “creatively destroy” the world and build a new one, with the image of humanity he paints reminiscent of the darkest days of Nazism.

I know, the whole thing sounds frightening, like a carefully prepared apocalypse, and indeed: the agenda pursued here is obviously not only planned, but also hardly to be surpassed in viciousness and deviousness.

Who would ever have suspected that one day the world economy would be brought down under the pretext of protecting people from the effects of a disease? That people would be deprived of freedom of travel, freedom of assembly and freedom of expression, and that more than one hundred million of them would be condemned to starvation – ostensibly for their own health protection?

And who would have believed that an avowed eugenicist by the name of Klaus Schwab would be put in a position not only to spread his gruesome vision of the fusion of man with artificial intelligence worldwide, but to have it pushed forward by ten thousand helpers?

These are all deeply disturbing developments that we are currently living with and from which we all have to suffer, and the details of which make the blood run cold in the veins of every normal thinking and normal feeling person.

But – and now I come to the most important message I have to deliver today – there is another side to all this, a completely different side and above all: a side that should give us all a huge boost and plenty of strength for the future.

The elite’s plan and Klaus Schwab’s visions are in fact doomed to fail, for several reasons: The most important one is that the narrative of the deadly virus that poses an existential threat to humanity cannot be sustained in the long run.

Indeed, we are already seeing how the edifice of lies to our left and right is collapsing, and how ever more absurd argumentation and ever more furious defamation are being resorted to in order to legitimize it.

It is important to recognize that the vehemence currently displayed by the media is not a sign of strength, but of weakness. Those who spread ever more grotesque lies like the one about the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” with ever more emphasis, who declare healthy people to be the number one risk factor in society, who bring entire countries to a standstill because of individual cases of disease, are only doing so because they have run out of arguments and are simply lashing out blindly in their desperation.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “You can lie to part of the people all of the time and to all of the people part of the time, but you can’t lie to all of the people all of the time.”

This is precisely what is coming true in our time. And this, of course, has immense significance for us, because it opens what Klaus Schwab calls the “window of opportunity,” but in exactly the opposite dynamic.

As the narrative disintegrates, the credibility of those who have led us into this situation continues to be undermined day by day, opening for us a unique window of opportunity for a massive and comprehensive campaign of enlightenment.

The objective conditions for educating people about the true background of the alleged pandemic, the real balance of power in the world, and the real threats we face have never been better – and they are getting better by the day as the other side engages in ever more implausible lies.

And even if the digital-financial complex succeeds in introducing the new money, that won’t be the end of the world either. After all, digital central bank money can only function on the basis of a comprehensive coercive system. One will always have to introduce new price controls, constantly increase the universal basic income and thus create permanent inflation, which in turn will lead to a continuous impoverishment of the population and a constant conflict with the state and the authorities.

What we need to know is this: We are undoubtedly facing turbulent and dangerous times, but we hold a historic trump card in our hands: it consists in the fact that the opposing side is not acting according to the rules of reason, but out of motives such as greed and the desire for power, and therefore has no choice but to get itself into more and more trouble.

This is exactly what we should take advantage of and keep in mind for all of us: The other side may have more money, more possessions and, in addition, all the weapons in the world, but its power is based neither on its money nor on its possessions nor on its weapons, but solely on one factor: the ignorance of the majority of people, that is, on the fact that the majority does not see through the game that the minority is playing with it.

As terrible as everything is that the digital-financial complex and its accomplices have done in the past eighteen months and are still doing, they have maneuvered themselves into a situation from which they can no longer get out and in which they have to cross more and more red lines in their desperation.

For all of us, this means that we should simply keep calm in this exceptional situation, consistently expose all the lies and thus show people bit by bit how, why and by whom they are being hoodwinked.

If we do this, and if we remember the strength of our arguments, then we can not only solve the current problems, but possibly achieve much greater things, namely use one of the deepest crises of humanity to turn the tide of world history and thus open the door to a new era. (Concludes) 


Speech by German economist Ernst Wolff at the Summer WEFF in Davos on August 21, 2021 [Translation from German]

Received from Mr. Elias Davidsson by e-mail

Click here for Part-I