Home Poetry Trance – Poetry from India

Trance – Poetry from India

Trance – Poetry from India

Come and save me O Lord from

This claustrophobic tussle with life

Let me fly to the orange horizon and

Race to the edge of the world

Greeting my after life with awestruck wonder!

Lily Swarn


Gore and blood splattered on the visage of dignity

When humanity took leave

Of its senses and danced a merry jig

Bidding adieu to the laws of karma

Levitating in realms of make believe


Somewhere in the solemn wilderness

A minstrel in Sufi dervish trance

Whirling and swirling in Sama

Oblivious of proprietorial skirmishes

Attains his tiny little bundle of bliss


Come and save me O Lord from

This claustrophobic tussle with life

Let me fly to the orange horizon and

Race to the edge of the world

Greeting my after life with awestruck wonder!



She walks in grace

Her stride languorous

She breathes in deep

Of fragrant visions

She may be terrorized

Coerced into submission

Her spirit mutilated

Her dreams trampled upon

She is Durga she is Shakti

She keeps her own counsel

In the deafening roars around

She listens to the Eternal music

That perfumes with divine words

Her haunts are hearts that love her

She lives amidst pure passion

Her Maker constantly protects her

From barbs and cruel lashings

Her power lies in those that care

For her shimmering soul sublime

Venus resides in her poetic eyes

The doe shaped daggers she has

Oodles of oomph can not

Camouflage her resilient force

She walks in grace!


Lily Swarn - Poetess-India - Sindh CourierLily Swarn, internationally acclaimed, multilingual poet, author, columnist, gold medalist, university color holder, radio show host, Peace and Humanity Ambassador, writes different genres .A Trellis of Ecstasy, (Poetry) called a veritable delight by The Journal of Commonwealth literature in London. The Gypsy Trail ,(novel), launched by the Governor of Punjab, Lilies of the Valley,( essays) History on My Plate ( food) got rave reviews. Rippling Moonbeams her latest anthology was launched at Chandigarh International Literary festival. She won over 50 international and national awards like Reuel International Prize for Poetry, Global Icon of Peace, Sahitya Rattan Award,Gujarat Sahitya Akademi Award ,2020 ,2021 Order of Shakespeare Medal , Cesar Vallejo award WE Diva of the world , A La Excelencia Literaria,25 Women of Excellence. Her work can be read in numerous international anthologies and magazines. Lily’s poetry has been translated into over 17 languages. Her Urdu ghazals are put to music and she is a nominee for Lifetime Achievement Award and finalist for Global Culture Champion Award by SheInspires Awards, UK. Recently awarded Women of Hearts award 2020-21 and her latest prestigious award is ‘Best Indian Author Award 2021 ‘for her book, History on my Plate by Criric Space Literary awards. WE PoeTree Green Heart award. Rabindranath Tagore Literary Honor 2022. She is working on her book of Urdu ghazals and Punjabi nazms. Invited to host, participate or as an honorable guest in poetry meets and literary conferences in different countries, Lily believes it is the blessings of her young son who passed away a few years ago that help her write.