We are not numbers – A Poem from Gaza

the Kuffeyia-1

We are not numbers, we are the stars in the dark sky

Ahmed Miqdad- GazaPoet Ahmed Miqdad from Gaza city of Palestine has shared his poem

Poet Ahmed Miqdad is from Gaza city of Palestine. He is teacher and a poet and has published three poetic books and a short novel. His goal is to make the people around the world aware of Palestinian cause through his words.

65467d41e038a.imageWe are not numbers

We are not numbers,

We are the stars

In the dark sky,

That lead to the straight path.

We are not numbers,

We are the moon

During the bleak nights

That lights the dark world.

We are not numbers,

We are the olive tree

That lives in the barren dessert

Which gives light and fire

To burn the oppressors.

We are not numbers,

We are the Kuffeyia

Which decorates the shoulders

Of rebels and patriots.

We are not numbers,

We are the martyrs

Who irrigate land with blood!

To liberate the stolen land.

We are not numbers,

We are justice

To the oppressed

In the time of prejudice.

We are not numbers,

We are the curse

That chases the occupiers

Who have settled Palestine!

We are not number,

But we are the difficult number

That none can divide or subtract.

We are Palestine.

(Poem was written in 2018)


Read: BY THE JORDAN RIVER – A Vietnamese Poet Writes Poetry In Palestine



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