Home Women Empowerment Willpower, passion, and consistency can do wonders in life

Willpower, passion, and consistency can do wonders in life

Willpower, passion, and consistency can do wonders in life

Pirah Aijaz shares her personal journey as a successful business owner at networking event organized by Zippy Writers

Karachi, Sindh

Zippy Writers hosted a successful networking event for women entrepreneurs and freelancers on Saturday October 14, 2023 at a local hotel in Karachi that brought together women from various backgrounds and industries to connect, collaborate, and share their experiences.

The networking event featured a keynote speaker, Pirah Aijaz, who shared her personal journey as a successful business owner and provided valuable insights on how to overcome common challenges faced by women entrepreneurs. Attendees also had the opportunity to participate in a panel discussion and engage in small group sessions, where they shared their own experiences, discussed collaboration opportunities, industry trends, and exchanged ideas.

Zippy- Sindh Courier
Pirah Aijaz sharing her views

The event was organized to provide a supportive and inclusive space for women to connect and grow their businesses. “We wanted to create an opportunity for women to network with like-minded individuals, learn from industry experts, and build meaningful relationships that can help them achieve their goals,” said Pirah Aijaz, founder of Zippy Writers.

Special guest, Neel Ahmed, an educationist, poet, author, and trainer, shared her insights on “Leadership: A Philosophical Perspective “.

“Your willpower, passion, and consistency can do wonders in your life”, said Neel Ahmed.

The event received positive feedback from attendees, with many expressing their appreciation for the opportunity to connect with other women and gain valuable insights on how to grow their businesses.

Pirah Aijaz said that Zippy Writers plans to host more events in the future to provide ongoing support and resources for women entrepreneurs and freelancers.

At the end of the session, giveaways and certificates were given to the attendees and supportive partners as a token of appreciation. (PR)



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