Home World Literature Woman and the Ocean – A poem from Peru

Woman and the Ocean – A poem from Peru

Woman and the Ocean – A poem from Peru

There I go, clinging to the helm with salt on the face and traces of sun on the back

[author title=”Ramina Herrera Arteaga” image=”https://sindhcourier.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Ramina-Peru-Sindh-Courier-3.jpg”]Ramina Herrera Arteaga, born in Luya, Amazonas, Peru in 1979, is a Business Administrator by profession. She graduated from the National University of Trujillo. Her poetry “Memories of Unborn” was published online by the magazine “Voices” of Spain. In 2006 it was included in the anthology “Caminos de Poesía” (Editorial Fund of the Provincial Municipality of Cajamarca. She has been awarded several prestigious recognitions for her writing.[/author]


Woman and the Ocean

And my surf

Is taking

Shape and color

The bow looks higher

My sails are racing chestnuts

And if the waves

They get a little angry

There I go,

Clinging to the helm

With salt on the face

And traces of sun on the back

My browse

Became beautiful

Poseidon promised

Take care of my sleepless nights

Calm the most hostile waves

 The vilest of storms

I am accompanied

Of sweet mermaids

That they shelter with their song

The future of my soul

Wrapped in sky blue … which I love…



(Latin Version)

Y mi navegar

va tomando

forma y color

la proa se ve más alta

mis velas son alazanes de carrera

y si las olas

se ponen un poco bravas

ahí voy,

aferrada al timón

con sal en la cara

y rastros de sol en la espalda.

Mi navegar

se volvió hermoso

Poseidón prometió

cuidar mis desvelos

calmar las más hostiles olas

la más vil de las tormentas

voy acompañada

de dulces sirenas

que cobijan con su canto

el devenir de mi alma

envuelta en azul cielo… que me encanta…
