World Poets, Writers, Artists Join Hands against Wars in Africa

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Under the auspices of World Poetry Movement, 246 poets, writers and artists sign a call against the threat of military intervention in Niger and the wars in Africa

From WPM Correspondent

Since the events of July 26, 2023, the people of Niger and the neighboring African peoples have been living under the threat of military intervention by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), of which Niger is a part, under the instigation of certain Western powers, in particular France and its allies in the region. The Sahel region is already suffering the horrors of terrorism which is rife under the watchful eye of the hegemonies inflicted on the region. Traditional colonization has given way to exploitation and the systemic impoverishment and subjugation of peoples by financial and economic mechanisms on the one hand, military and security injunctions imposed within the framework of a “cooperation” struck by the seal of abject neocolonialism.

We, the poets, writers, artists, creators and actors of Niger, in the world of creation, position ourselves with our peoples against war and condemn the threat of military intervention declared by the powers present in the region

WPM-Call-Against-WarThe rejection of this multiform hegemony is sanctioned by the threat of a war which has already borne its bitter fruits in Libya and in other countries. We, the poets, writers, artists, creators and actors of Niger, in the world of creation; We position ourselves with our peoples against war and condemn the threat of military intervention declared by the powers present in the region; We call on the poets, writers, artists, creators and actors of the world to react to this threat and to undertake measures that their situation would allow them in favor of the struggle of our peoples against hegemonies and the threat of war; We call on human conscience to take a stand in favor of the rights of our peoples to live in freedom and peace in our countries.


The first signatures

1-      Adamou Idé, Poète, romancier, Niger

2-      Ada Boureima, poète, romancier, Niger

3-      Dr Saley Boubé Bali, poète, romancier, Niger

4-      Pr Amadou Saibou, écrivain, Niger

5-      Idi Nouhou, romancier, cinéaste, Niger

6-      Amadou Édouard Lompo, dramaturge, Niger

7-      Dr Zirbine Abassa Seini, poète, Niger.

8-      Achour Fenni poeta, Argelia

9-      Frenando Rendon, Cordinador General de WPM, Colombia

10-    Freddy Nanez, poète, Venzuela

11-    Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, Poet and Novelist, Egypt

12-    Mpesse Géraldin, poet, writer and photographer, Cameroon.

13-    Siphiwe, poet, Lesotho

14-    Fredy Yezzed, poet and human rights activist, Colombia.

15-    Vielsi Arias, poet, Venezuela

16-    Mónica Lucía Suárez, coordinadora WPM Colombia.

17-    Manuela Salinas, Colombia.

18-    Zolani Mkiva, poet, South Africa

19-    Keamogetsi joseph Molapong-Poet, WPM National Coordinator in Namibia

20-    Ismaël Diadié Haïdara, Bibliotecario, filósofo, historiador, poeta.

21-    Prof. Farmou Moumouni, écrivain essayiste, Canada

22-    Liliana Marcela Marentes, Colombia

23-    Denis Pourawa poète kanak, Kanaky Nouvelle-Calédonie.

24-    Ana María Oviedo Palomares, poeta.

25-    Leonardo G..Ruiz Tirado, poeta, ensayista.

26-    Vanessa Torres writer- journalist, COLOMBIA

27-    Valeria Sandi Peña, poeta, (Bolivia)

28-    Enrique Sánchez Hernani, Poet, writer and journalist, WPM Perú

29-    Karel Leyva Ferrer, Poeta, Gestor Cultural, Presidente de la sección de Poesía de la Uneac y Coordinador de WPM Cuba

30-    Fernando Linero Monte, poeta, músico, Colombia

31-    Matt Sedillo, poeta y activista, Estados Unidos.

32-    Ashanti Dinah, Afrocolombian Activist, poet and academic scholar. Graduate Ph.D. Student at Harvard University

33-    Rati saxena, poet and Coordinator for wpm for India;

34-    José Muchnik, poeta y antropólogo. Argentina-Francia.

35-    Dr. Hanan Awwad..Palestine wpm;

36-    Abdukakhor Kosim, poet, journalist, national coordinator of WPM in Tajikistan

37-    William Alfaro, poeta periodista y gestor cultural. WPM El Salvador.

Poets from Columbia

38-    Daniel Montoya

39-    Diana Carolina Forero: Diana Carol Forero, poeta.

40-    Jaime Nevado: Carlos Francisco García Delgado. Poeta.

41-    Gabriel Jaime FRANCO: Gabriel Jaime Franco, poeta.

42-    Manuela Salinas S: Manuela Salinas, poeta y músico.

43-    Vanessa Torres: Vanessa Torres, poeta

44-    Andrés Uribe: Andrés Uribe Botero. Poeta.

45-    Juan Coneo: Juan Coneo, poeta.

46-    Francy Liliana Díaz: Francy Liliana Díaz Rozo, poeta

47-    Elías Díaz: Elías Díaz Roa – Escritor

48-    Barbara Lins: Bárbara Lins, Poeta.

49-    Natalia Jaramillo: Natalia Jaramillo, poeta.

50-    Carmen Alicia Pérez poeta Cereté: Carmen Alicia Pérez, poeta

51-    José Nicolás Diaz: José Nicolás Díaz Roa, poeta.

52-    Carlos Merchán: Carlos Merchán, poeta y educador

53-    José Gómez: José Gómez, escritor, comunicador, director

54-    Andrés Galeano: Andrés Galeano. Poeta y guionista

55-    Edgard Sandino: Edgard Sandino Velásquez/poeta, escritor.

56-    Saul Gómez: Saúl Gómez Mantilla/Poeta y editor.

Signing literary personalities from Algeria

57-    Brahim Tazaghart, writer, Algeria

58-    Prof. Dr. Ahmed Beggar, writer and academic, Algeria Slimane Djouadi, poet, Algeria

59-    Ahmed AbdelKrim, poet, Algerua

60-    Lakhdar Fellous,poet/Algeria Mohamed Daoud Prof. University

61-    Prof Bachir Daifallah / African citizen.

62-    Al-Azhar Attia/ novelist, Algeria

63-    Hamri Bahri, poet and writer, Algeria

64-    Salima Aidouni, Professor, Algeria

65-    Dr. Nasser Bakria, poet, Algeria

66-    Mouloud Fertouni, writer from Tamanghest/Algeria Kamal Kerrour, writer and publisher, Algeria

67-    Dr. Amar Achour, poet and university professor, Algeria

68-    Djidel Beneddine – storyteller and jurist – Algeria.

69-    Amar Bourouis. Journalist / Algeria

70-    Bousabie Khadija, poet, Algeria

71-    Abderrahman Lakhnech, poet, Algeria

Other world poets, writers and artists

72-    Abdukakhor Kosim, poet, journalist, national coordinator of WPM in Tajikistan

73-    William Alfaro, poeta periodista y gestor cultural. WPM El Salvador.

74-    Mohamed Hajji Mohamed poète et traducteur.WPM Maroc

75-    Mariana Ruiz. Profesora universitaria y poeta. Miembro del WPM Venezuela.

76-    Salvador Lara poeta Venezolano!

77-    Elí Caicedo Pinto, poeta y profesor titular jubilado de la Universidad de Los Andes. Venezuela.

78-    Gregorio González Vivas. Poeta y artista plástico. Venezuela

79-    Julio Borromé, poeta y ensayista. República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

80-    Esmeralda Torres, poeta y narradora, República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

81-    Jairo Guzmán, poeta, Escuela de Poesia, Columbia

82-    Sulma Montero, poeta, Bolivia.

83-    Fernando Linero, poeta, Colombia.

84-    William Alfaro, poeta periodista y gestor cultural. WPM El Salvador

85-    Vadik Barron, poeta, Bolivia.

86-    Yuri Patiño. Poeta y promotora cultural. República Bolivariana de Venezuela

87-    Verónica Delgadillo. Poeta. Bolivia

88-    Venus Ledezma. Promotora de lectura, arte y cultura. República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

89-    Ernesto Cañizalez. Poeta, artesano y promotor cultural. República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

90-    Pedro Ruiz, poeta, Venezuela

91-    Job Jurado Guevara, poeta, Portuguesa-Venezuela

92-    Yuri Patiño poeta, Mérida-Venezuela. Activa

93-    Memo Acuña, poetz, Costa Rica

94-    Ernesto Cañizalez de Venezuela

95-    Carmen Alicia Pérez, desde Cereté, Colombia

96-    Giselle Lucía desde La Habana

97-    Fidel Flores, poeta. Venezuela.

98-    Inti Clark Boscán, poeta.Venezuela

99-    Gregorio González Vivas.

100-  San Fernando de Apure, Venezuela

101-  Miguel Mendoza Barreto. Poeta, historiador, docente universitario. República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

102-  José Pérez, poeta y profesor universitario. Venezuela

Names from WPM India

103-  Kamayani vasishth- poet, teacher.

104-  Uma- story teller and journalist

105-  Pooja- poet, social welfare.

106-  Brajesh sing- poet, kritya editor

107-  Prithviraj- poet translator

108-  Kamal vora- poet

109-  Neerav Daiya- writer, poet, translator

110-  Babitha Justin- poet, writer, teacher.

111-  Shubha Mishra – poet, translator, teacher

112-  Kedar Mishra-poet, journalist.

113-  Usha Rani Rao- poet, writer, teacher

114-  Annat- poet, songwriter, India

Venezuelan and other nationalities

115-  Benito Mieses, poeta, artista plástico, Venezuela.

116-  Shirani Rajapakse, poet and short story writer, National Coordinator WPM, Sri Lanka.

117-  Alfonsina Bravo Galíndez, docente y poeta venezolana

118-  Rafael Piña Azuaje, docente y poeta venezolano.

119-  Mirimarit Paradas, poeta y educadora venezolana.

120-  Xavier Rodríguez Marrero, escritor y docente, Venezuela

121-  Joussette Rivodó, escritora, Venezuela

122-  Gregorio Suárez, poeta. Venezuela.

123-  Migle González, dramaturga, Venezuela.

124-  Gyglia Morán, docente de investigación Literaria, promotora literaria, Poeta, Venezuela

125-  Luz del Mar Higuera. Poeta. Venezuela.

126-  Karelyn Buenaño. Poeta. Venezuela.

127-  Carmen González Chacón, poeta y ensayista, Cuba.

128-  Ali Al Ameri, poet and painter, Jordan- Palestine

129-  Jorge Torres Medina, poeta, Colombia,-Paris

130-  Hermas Gbaguidi, Poète dramaturge béninois

131-  Thiago Ponce de Moraes, poeta, profesor, traductor – WPM Brasil

132-  Andrés Uribe Botero , Poeta. Colombia.

133-    Maria Miraglia poet, translator, essayist-Italy

134-  Alexandra Cretté, , poeta, wpm Guyane

135-  Joaquín Efraín Castillo Villegas, docente y poeta venezolano

136-  Franklin Fernández, poeta y artista plástico. Venezuela.

137-  Pablo Ramírez. Poeta. Venezuela.

138-  Héctor González, poeta. Venezuela

139-  Nelly Villegas. Poeta. Venezuela.

140-  María Monteiro, docente y poeta venezolana

141-  Alejo Vivas Ramírez, docente y poeta. República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

142-  Freddy Antulio Araque Contreras. Poeta. República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

143-  Jesús Trejo Sierra, Profesor y poeta. República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

144-  Keduin Albarrán. Profesor y poeta República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

145-  Francisco Conduto De Pina, poetace Deputado da Nação, Guiné-Bissau

146-  Ramón Evelio Molina. Poeta, artista plástico y docente. Venezuela.

147-  Rosmary Rosales Barrios, docente y poeta venezolana

148-  Raúl García Palma, poeta, Sociólogo y poeta. Venezuela

149-  Isabel Molina Gil. Docente de Literatura. Venezuela.

150-  Dory Rojas Huiza. Poeta y profesora. Venezuela.

151-  Marcos González, poeta, educador, antiimperialista siempre. Venezuela

152-  Mónica Laneri, poet, Paraguay.

153-  Salissou Saadou, poet, novelist from Niger

154-  Carmen Rodríguez; Docente ,poeta, Venezuela.

155-  Alfredo Camejo. Docente, poeta, Venezuela.

156-  Jesús Hernández Coronel. Docente, poeta, de Venezuela.

157-  Argenis Ranuarez, Cronista poeta de Venezuela.

158-  Miguel angel Cornielly. Poeta de Venezuela.

159-  Luis Velásquez Cortesía, Poeta, Cronista, Docente. Venezuela.

160-  Reina Rada, Poeta, Artista Plástico, Docente.

161-  Venezuela

162-  Mirimarit Paradas, Poeta, Docente. Venezuela.

163-  Luis Antonio Montilla Rodríguez. Docente universitario/Poeta. Venezuela.

164-  Luis Emilio Romero. Poeta, escritor. Profesor universitario. Venezuela.

165-  Chemir Colina, Artista plástica y poeta, venezolana.

166-  Pedro Pérez Aldana, Poeta venezolano.

167-  Lennys Pérez, Poeta venezolana

168-  Juan Agustín Canelones

169-  Enmanuel David Colmenares, Poeta y músico venezolano.

170-  Omar Velásquez, poeta. Venezuela.

171-  Eleazar Marín,poeta venezolano

172-  Linda Ruiz Terán. Trabajadora cultural y docente universitaria. República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

173-  Winston Farrell, poet, Barbados.

174-  Andrés Álvarez Arboleda. Poeta, abogado y profesor universitario. Colombia.

Other poets

175-  Miguel Mendoza Barreto. Poeta. Historiador.

176-  Jesús González, Narrador

177-  Eusebio Acuña, Poeta

178-  Mario Mendoza, Poeta.

179-  Víctor Rojas, Poeta.

180-  Griselle Rivera, Poeta

181-  Edward Cardié, Investigador.

182-  Omar Velázquez, Poeta.

183-  Gisela Del Valle Delpino. Poeta.Abogada.Docente. Venezuela.

184-  Gonzalo Mario Insignares Cabas. Poeta. Venezuela.

185-  Jemimah Rivera. Poeta, profesora, investigadora, conservacionista de la vida silvestre, biólogo marino. Venezuela

186-  Rodolfo Rodríguez. Poeta, dramaturgo. Actor y Director Teatral. Comunicador social. Venezuela.

187-  -Jean James Junior Jean Rolph, poète, Guyane.

188-  Sandie Colas, poète, Guyane

189-  -Rossiny Dorvil, Poète, Guyane.

190-  -James-Son Derisier, poète, Guyane.

191-  -Widjmy Stvil, poète, Guyane.

192-  Rojas Wagner, poeta y editora. Colombia.

193-  Miguel Mendoza Barreto. Poeta, docente universitario e Historiador. República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

194-  Ildemaro Rosales Tovar. Poeta, Biólogo Marino, Venezuela.

More Colombian signatures

195-  Jorge Carreño Casadiego, poeta.

196-  Nidia Naranjo. Poeta y fotógrafa.

197-  Fausto Marcelo Ávila Ávila

198-  Sergio Antonio Chiappe Riaño, Poeta

199-  Julio César Chamorro Rosero, novelista, poeta, historiador.

200-  Fernando Gutiérrez, escritor

201-  Lady Bibiana Pérez Forero/poeta

202-  Amparo Andrade Loaiza, poeta

203-  Yorlady Ruiz. poeta.

204-  Ángela Briceño. Poeta

205-  Henry Alexander Gómez, escritor.

206-  Rosaura Mestizo Mayorga – poeta

207-  Darío Sánchez Carballo, poeta y arquitecto.

208-  Héctor Hernán Hurtado Botero poesía oral

209-  Andrés Díaz García, poeta

210-  Karla Jazmín Arango – Poeta

211-  Héctor Cañón Poeta

212-  Inés López Ramírez, poeta

More signatures

213-  Fabio Garrido Montiel. Educador y músico.

214-  Jean Luc Raharimanana, poet, WMP national coordinator Madagascar.

215-  Nimrod Bena, poet, WPM national coordinator Tchad.

216-  Mohammed Hajji, poet, WPM national coordinator Morocco.

217-  Hermas Gbaguidi, poet, WPM national coordinator Benim.

218-  Nancy Cavallaro, Docente / Promotora de lectura, Venezuela

219-  José Gregorio González Márquez. Escritor y Profesor. República Bolivariana de Venezuela

220-  Luisa Martinez, poeta y promotora cultural venezolana.

221-  Jonas Charlecin, poète, Guyane.

222-  Morgane Saintjulien “Telumé”. Poète. Guyane.

223-  Miguel Viloria Docente/ Escritor Venezuela

224-  Ninfa Monasterios Guevara Poeta República Bolivariana de Venezuela

225-  Manuel José García Ruiz Poeta República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

226-  Marcos Veroes Vegas. Poeta. República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

227-  Henry Colmenares Castillo. Poeta. República Bolivariana de Venezuela

228-  Rafael Ortega, escritor y periodista. República Bolivariana de Venezuela

229-  Martín Barea Mattos, poeta, gestor y performer. Uruguay.

Other signatures from Algeria

230-  Dr. Othman Meguerich, poet and critic, Algeria

231-  Belkacem Jamal, writer and an advocate for the causes of the African continent against colonialism, exploitation and domination

232-  Abdecelam Ikhlef, writer and academician, Algeria

233-  Bachir Khelaf, writer, storyteller, and cultural activist, Algeria

234-  Muhammad Naguib Muhammad Ali, poet and journalist from –Algeria Sudan

235-  Abdellah Kerroum, novelist and academician, Algeria

236-  Mohamed Sari, writer, Algeria

237-  Mabrouk Belnaoui, poet-Algeria

238-  Saleh Boularaoui,poet and journalist, Algeria

239-  Omar Berdaoui is an academic and poet, Algeria

240-  Abdeslam Ikhlef, University professor and writer, Algeria

241-  Dr. Fatiha Kahlouch, professor from Algeria

242-  Djamila Talabawi, writer and media Journalist, Algeria

243-  Dr. Ghania Kebir, Academician, Algeria

244-  Erdős Sándor, Poet,novellist, HungarySungrea Han, Poet, translator, professor, South Korea

245-  Colin Carberry, lrish-Canadian poet and translator, resident of Mexico

246- Estado Monagas, poet, Venezuela

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