Eminent Arab Scholars attended the launching ceremony held on Friday March 17, 2023 at Al-Hawaz Seminary of Najaf City
Sindh Courier Report
Najaf City, Iraq
For the first time in the history of Najaf City, the launching ceremony of ten Sindhi books was held at Al-Hawaza Al-Ilmiyya, an oldest and one of the most important seminaries of the Islamic world, having a status of university like Al-Azhar of Egypt. The launching ceremony was held on Friday March 17, 2023 under the supervision of Abdullah Rohani Najafi, a renowned scholar.
Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf, simply called as Najaf, is a city in central Iraq about 160 km south of Baghdad and is the capital of Najaf Governorate.
The books have been translated from Arabic language books jointly by Sindhi Talibul Ilm (students) who are enrolled at the seminary. The students from almost all the countries of the world including America, Europe, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh are studying and conducting research here and a number of Sindhi students are also among them.
The books include: Qura’n Majeed Jadeed Nahj, Islami Tahzeeb, Manasik-e-Hajj, Nahjul Balagh, Fadak (A village near Medina) ji Haqeeqat, Lughatul Qura’n, Farogh-e-Deen, Mufardat Nahjul Balagh, Ahtiyat Ijtehad Taqleed and Sarf Al-Aalla.
A large number of teachers of Al-Hawaza Al-Ilmiyya seminary, representatives of related departments and other prominent persons and religious scholars attended the ceremony. Abdul Khalique Najafi, Fazal Hussain Najafi, Syed Naseem Abbas Naqvi, Syed Ali Abbaad Hindi, scholars of the seminary, and Sheikh Ahmed Aamli, editor of Madressa Alwaris Karbala Harem Hazrat Imam Hussain, were some of the prominent personalities who spoke on this occasion and lauded the services of Abdullah Rohani Najfi. They also presented some gifts to Abdullah Rohani Najafi. Scolar Abdullah Rohani Najafi is Abro by caste hailing from Shikarpur Sindh, who is settled here since 2003.
A scholar Najaf Ali Najafi, who is Thebo by caste from Union Council Fatehpur, Taluka Kotdiji, Khairpur district of Sindh, told that all the ten books have been computerized and are available in word format at this stage. “The books would be printed after the funding is arranged,” he said adding that one of these books titled ‘Islami Tahzeeb’ is in process of uploading on an application. “The book will be available on play store soon the App is approved.”
Around 500 Sindhis, who have come at different times, are studying at the seminary in Najaf city.
Especially mentioning the translation of Holy book Qura’n, Najaf Ali said that in Sindh the translation of Qura’n is available but all these translations have been done directly from Urdu. “We have completed the translation of Qura’n with the help of Arabic dictionary.”
“We, the members of translation committee, used to translate the books jointly and held weekly meetings with Abdullah Rohani Najabi who would review the work and make corrections if necessary,” Najaf Ali told, who himself is in the seminary since 2010.
“All the scholars here are Talibs (students), irrespective of their seniority. We call ourselves Talibs, who seek the knowledge.”
Najaf Ali told that around 500 Sindhis, who have come at different times, are studying at the seminary in Najaf city. “We have been granted permission by the government to live here.”
Arab scholars attending the book launch were amazed when they were briefed on rich history of Sindh
Talking about the book launching ceremony, Najaf Ali said it was an important event, as a number of renowned Arab scholars and other distinguished personalities were invited. “We briefed them about Sindh, Sindhi culture, language, literature, customs, present day Sindh and the ancient relations of Sindh with Arab world. One of our Sindhi scholar had prepared a detailed paper on Sindh which he read at the event and the Arab scholars were amazed to know about Sindh,” he told and added that after listening to rich history of Sindh they promised to help in publishing of these Sindhi books, so that they can be distributed among the libraries as well as among the pilgrims visiting the holy places here.
He said that there are a number of other Sindhi scholars in Najaf who are settled since long and have been translating and publishing the books.