It seems to me that if there is anything to be said about demons, they are none other than humans
Hasan Nashid
A few days ago, I got a sudden phone call from poet Ashraf Ali Charu Bhai a little before noon. Go to Kausar’s shop and find out that it will take another minute or two for him to arrive. I have never seen so many people in the market on a Thursday. I went out without ordering tea, I saw poet Charu moving towards my house on his bike. He picked me up in the middle of the break and stopped me at a tea shop directly behind Sreebordi Government College. Then, while drinking tea last Friday, almost before the conversation of various experiences centered around the arrival of poet and rhymer Jisan Mehbub, we got a call from the lecturer of Sreebordi Women’s College and poet Azad Sarkar. He came on time from Jhagrarchar, but for some reason he had to go to college, and we had to leave that shop. But as I had worked with Ataur sir, I came to the hospital gate by bike, and there I saw my beloved poet Hadiul Islam sir. After completing the necessary work, we once again had a tea triangle chat without standing in the tea queue near the school. At one stage of various talks and literature, one or two more people joined, but in the mouth of Sir, a famous story of the famous English poet Ernest Hemingway, when I was saying goodbye in the hope of meeting in the evening, at the same time, my brother Abbas’s elder son Rasel. Meeting with Then what else? Among the many words, I spoke with my dear friend Abdul Halim. From the same batch of SSC equivalent, I used to walk with him, then meet occasionally, but never had a long walk like today. After bidding farewell to Umm Habiba, the wife and three-year-old daughter, from North Bazaar, I saw the inhuman, cruel, and cruel mockery of a man stuck in a banyan tree just as two friends were walking hand in hand past Nabajagaran School. Which made my heart bleed. Are they human? Those who are not worried about the life of the trees! We are killing the tree that has played an excellent role in all areas of practical life, starting with our life protection. We should be ashamed!
By memorizing nameplates, advertisements, and religious words from tree to tree, you are working for personal gain as well as reward. It really deserves praise, but did you know that no religion supports it?
I could have calmed myself down a little if I had seen that people might have introduced cruelty to a tree, but no, the same situation exists for about 23 trees up to the government college! I was surprised to think that where there are so many highly educated, talented, and conscious people with government gadgets, how can demons like Vrikshasura destroy trees like this? I could not be surprised!
OK! By memorizing nameplates, advertisements, and religious words from tree to tree, you are working for personal gain as well as reward. It really deserves praise, but did you know that no religion supports it? You know, it is completely prohibited according to verse 18 of Surah Hajj of the Holy Quran. Did you know that in ‘Sunan Abu Dawud: 5241’ Islam has encouraged the planting of trees and has completely prohibited the unnecessary killing of trees?” The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Whoever cuts a tree unnecessarily, Allah will throw his head into the fire.”
Don’t know? How do you know? Even the devil is afraid to live in your head because you have gone so far in a satanic experience that even the devil could not go!
Verse 18 of Surah Hajj: “Ayat 18: اَلَمْ تَرَ اَنَّ اللّّهَ يَسْجُدُ لَهٗ مَنْ فِي السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ مَنْ فِي الۡاَِ وَ الشَّمْسُ وَ الۡقَمَرُ وَ النُّجُوجمُ وَ الْجِبَالُ وَ الشَّجَرُ وَ الدَّوَابُّ وَ كَث ِیۡرٌ مِّنَ النَّاسِ ؕ وَ كَثِیۡرٌ حَقَّ عَلَیۡهِ الۡعَذَابُ ؕ وَ مَنْ يُّهِنِ اللّٰهُ فَمَا لَهٗ مِنْ مُّكۡرِمٍ ؕ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ يَفرعَلُ مَا يَشَآءُ”
According to Allah Almighty, “Do you not see that everything in the sky and the earth, such as the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the animals, and many of the people, obeys Allah? Many have been punished. No one can honour whom Allah insults. Surely Allah does whatever He wills.”
If the questioner believes that voluntary obedience can only exist between sentient beings, genes, etc., there is no conscience or consciousness in animals, plants, or inanimate matter. So how will there be voluntary obedience between them? The answer to this is that it is proved by many verses and narrations of the Holy Quran that no created thing is free from conscience, consciousness, and desire. They exist more or less in everyone. Animal conscience and consciousness are commonly felt. The consciousness and consciousness of plants can also be known with a little thought and research, but the consciousness and consciousness of inanimate matter are so little and hidden that the common man cannot perceive them. But their creator said that they also have conscience and consciousness. As Allah says, “There is no such thing. That which does not proclaim His praiseworthy holiness and majesty” (Surah Al-Isra: 44).
In different parts of the country, almost all the trees in urban areas were injured by iron or nails. All kinds of flashy advertisements are nailed to trees in almost every area. Urban trees are like living advertising boards!
Have you ever wondered what science is? After Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose discovered ‘Trees have life’, people came to know that almost every human quality exists in trees too. They also suffer from injuries like us. They have the power to feel. Just as we take in oxygen from plants, so do plants take in carbon dioxide from us. A tree absorbs about 13 kg of carbon dioxide in a year. Trees are an integral part of our lives. Trees do not harm humans. Rather, we treat plants most cruelly, even though they benefit us in every way. People are freely killing trees. There is an unwritten competition to kill trees freely in the need of life and in the pursuit of livelihood. Not only that, signs and billboards are being put up everywhere by nailing nails or iron to the trees. We forget the life that the tree has. Why are the relevant authorities indifferent to the implementation of the law? Trees are most helpful in the development of human culture. Trees give us a beautiful and serene life. Trees should be allowed to live beautifully with human needs. Yet we continue to advertise our most useful friend by cruelly hammering nails into it, which is extremely inhumane. Not only the signboards or billboards are being nailed to the trees, but various election posters, rally invitations, national leaders’ arrival greetings, special day greetings, and Eid-New Year greetings are also being installed. There is no one to see this. In different parts of the country, almost all the trees in urban areas were injured by iron or nails. All kinds of flashy advertisements are nailed to trees in almost every area. Urban trees are like living advertising boards!
On July 7, 2002, a law was passed by the National Parliament to prevent nailing signs on trees. But in practice, that law was never implemented. According to Section 43 of Section 92 of the City Corporation Act of 1990, it is a punishable offence to put up poster-banners and leaflets and put signboards on trees. Under this law, there is a provision for a fine of up to 5,000 tk. Although there is a law, it is not enforced in practice.
Trees have life’, almost every human quality exists in trees too. They also suffer from injuries like us. They have the power to feel. Just as we take in oxygen from plants, so do plants take in carbon dioxide from us.
I am a travelling person. Travelling around the country, researching society, culture, history, and traditions, and writing poetry became an addiction. But the big regret is that I didn’t find any human beings anywhere. I have been harassed in many places while making a personal protest. I can’t imagine how people can be so cruel and inhumane. It seems to me that if there is anything to be said about demons, they are none other than humans. I’ve also seen trees with so many ads plastered on them that you can’t even see the tree trunks. The entire tree is covered in signs, banners, and various tin plates.
Trees are precious resources of nature as well as humans. Trees are not only environment-friendly but also life-friendly. Today, nature is becoming rude due to the free and cruel behaviour of people. In order to get rid of nature’s cruel behaviour, it is first necessary to stop all cruelty to trees, remove advertisements, banners, and various plates from their bodies, and pledge to ‘never put a nail on a tree again’ as well as create public awareness by planting trees through competitions and helping them grow naturally. .
According to information from Bangladesh Agricultural University and the Department of Agricultural Extension, trees suffer from thousands of diseases, like humans and cancer. When you put iron nails in a tree, the plant’s circulatory system is kind of closed off, and bacteria can enter the plant through the iron, preventing the plant’s normal growth for a long time. And once upon a time, the tree also died at Triatta. And the only reason for this is the demon in human form. Those who are constantly destroying forests, as well as the trees around you, have now touched them.
With the great sorrow of my life, I could not protest against their inhumane torture, let alone the annihilation of that anthropomorphic demon from my Sreebordi. Where we go to be human, there is the paw of the inhuman! Let us refrain from this inhuman act of destruction. Let’s stop those who are involved with it with the help of the law.