Feminism in Pakistan

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It’s the time to teach the society what is real feminism? We need to make our minds clear of misconceptions regarding the feminism

Syeda Anmol Ali

Feminism has been at its peak during last couple of centuries. During this period its various branches were introduced – Social Feminism, Liberal Feminism, Radical Feminism, Cultural Feminism, Islamic Feminism, Black Feminism, and Red Lipstick Feminism etc. All these movements are said to be under the influence of the West.

One can find many of these feminisms active in Pakistan. We often see the crowds of women marching on the roads for freedom – holding banners and placards, and chanting slogans for their rights. But do they really know the rights? Are they really helpless, and need the freedom?

In my view, the ‘fight for the rights’ in our society is being fought by those who already have gained freedom. The women who have come out on the roads for freedom are conspicuously dressed in tight trousers, short shirts with white arms peeking out from the sleeveless shirts. Bare-head walking on the road side by the side with the men, they demand freedom. What kind of freedom they are demanding?

I am not against the rights and freedom of women, but the fact is that the majority of womenfolk who really need rights and freedom from the centuries-old cruel traditions, live in rural areas, and still are voiceless or unrepresented at different forums. The voice for rights and freedom should be raised for those women who cannot voice for their own rights, and who do not know their rights. These innocent women of the villages, where no basic facilities of life are available to them, where they are kept away from the right to education, and where their lives are ended in the name of so-called ‘ghairat’ (Honor).

Photo Courtesy: Social Media

I have observed that in our society, it is not only the men who have deprived such rural womenfolk of their rights, but these sharp and clever women of the urban society claiming both liberal and oppressed at the same time, have also caused discrimination.

The fact is that the majority of womenfolk who really need rights and freedom from the centuries-old cruel traditions, live in rural areas, and still are voiceless or unrepresented at different forums

It’s the time to teach the society what is real feminism? We need to make our minds clear of misconceptions regarding the feminism, rights and freedom. We need to create awareness and consciousness.

I am not religious person but would never feel shy of modesty, which the religion Islam has taught. In my view there is no religion more liberal and feminist than Islam. The two Muslim anthropologist women Fatema Mernissi, a Moroccan writer and sociologist, and Lila Abu-Lughod, American anthropologist, have much written on this subject, which any writer of this century has dared to do this.

In fact the mind of today’s society does not accept religion for fear of being dubbed as ‘Conservative’ and ‘Religious’. My opinion may not be accepted by many minds, but the legitimacy of rights and being the righteous can bring change. Maintaining modesty of the woman is the basic right. There is no problem if a woman travels on the road or even travels across countries, struggles for empowerment through trade and business, or by doing jobs.

Also read: Pakistan: A Rising Women’s Movement Confronts a New Backlash

For bringing about positive change in the society, we must raise voice for the women of oppressed segments of the society. It is necessary to first change our curriculum so that the new generation is aware that putting women under the feet in the name of “honor” is not masculinity. They must end discrimination and treat the women equal to men. It is the real and fundamental right of the women. On the other hand, women should be taught how to fight for the rights. Unfortunately, no institution in the country has attached importance to this aspect.

Another important requirement is to highlight the cultural values and traditions. We must not attempt to replace our eastern thought and cultural values with western one, as it will not benefit our society.


Anmol AliSyeda Anmol Ali is a student of Anthropology Department, University of Sindh, Jamshoro.




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