Home Books & Authors Maharaja Dahir – Resurgence of Sindh – Part-XXIII

Maharaja Dahir – Resurgence of Sindh – Part-XXIII

Maharaja Dahir – Resurgence of Sindh – Part-XXIII

The English translation of a novel ‘Maharaja Dahir’ authored by Kolkata-based renowned novelist Debasree Chakraborti in Bengali language. The novel has been translated by Rajesh Giri

“After the pooja got completed, Sheetal showed us another small door inside the sanctum sanctorum. The door was closed, and through this door a staircase led down to the basement, where there was another room like this sanctum, in which the history of their families and the history of the conquest of Arab over Kikan was carefully preserved.”

“It was almost sunset and after a while the priest would come, so we left the temple. Even today I remember that temple very much, Mohammad bin Qasim destroyed all the temples in the country of Sindh. The existence of that temple may have been lost, but mother Sindhu! Her existence could not be erased. Father used to say that Hinduism was born on the banks of the Sindhu River. The Greek invaders called the Sindhu mother as Hindu, the people living on both banks of mother Sindhu were Hindus. Slowly they are trying to erase the existence of our mother Sindhu. But as long as this river exists in the heart of the Sindh, their civilization can never be erased, maybe they will change the color of this civilization, but they have no power to change its soul.”

While reading Surya Devi’s account, suddenly a WhatsApp call came. Dr. Iqbal looked and saw, it was Abu Talib. This is the first time Abu Talib has called since he came here from Syria. Dr. Iqbal picked up the phone and said, “Assalamu Alaikum Abu.”

Abu Talib replied: “Wailekum Salam. When you told me that you were going to Sindh to find out the history of Islam’s conquest of Sindh, I followed you here also.”

Slowly they are trying to erase the existence of our mother Sindhu. But as long as this river exists in the heart of the Sindh, their civilization can never be erased

Dr. Iqbal may have been mentally prepared for such a situation. Because the purpose for which Chadda sir sent him here, it is very natural for a businessman like Abu Talib to come here for the same purpose. That a businessman as intelligent and astute as Abu Talib would not release Surya Devi’s diary just by handing it over to him, it’s expected. He with the assistance of Dr. Iqbal, is killing two birds with one stone. First of all Dr. Iqbal Ferozi’s huge wealth can be used for crusades and his vast knowledge and intelligence can be used to find the diary of Maharaja Dahir. That is why the diary of Surya Devi was handed over to him deliberately.

Dr. Iqbal controlled his mind and said very excitedly, “This is my brother, this is my friend. Tell me where you are, I will come to you right away.”

Raja Dahir - Bengali book
Maharaja Dahir – A novel authored by Debasree Chakraborti in Bengali language

Abu Talib said, “I am now in Tharparkar. I am here on a special task; these days, even WhatsApp calls are not secure, so I will tell everything in the meeting. And friend, you have provided such a wonderful accommodation for our Syrian pilgrims in Tharparkar, for which I am eternally grateful to you. And to have the friendship of a powerful person like you is a matter of luck. You arranged jobs for them in Coal Mines. You don’t know that Allah is doing all this through you, otherwise there are several places but you provided them with jobs, here. Where are you now?”

Dr. Iqbal said, “I am in Rohri, I have been here for two days to see where to go.”

Cunning Abu Talib doubtfully asked, “Why suddenly in Rohri? Is Rohri mentioned in Surya Devi’s account?”

Dr. Iqbal laughed when he heard Abu Talib. That Rohri was the original name of Aror and that it was the capital of Maharaja Dahir. This little information he doesn’t know, while he claims that he is an admirer of archaeology and history. Abu Talib’s intention is now getting clearer to Dr. Iqbal. He said, “Ohho the diary of Surya Devi, right? I will give it back to you when we meet again.”

Abu Talib said, “Why do you return? I gave it to you as a gift, and it sounds like you completed the diary. So tell me if you get any surprising information?”

Dr. Iqbal said, “Abu, the writing of this diary began in 716 AD. That means, a year after the death of Muhammad bin Qasim, this diary began to be written. Now the question is, after the death of Mohammad bin Qasim Surya Devi and Parimal Devi both were buried alive. Then in 716 AD who was staying in Syria and wrote this diary with the identity of Surya Devi? I have considerable doubts about the authenticity of this diary.”

Abu Talib laughed hearing Dr. Iqbal. He said, “Surya Devi herself wrote this diary undoubtedly. I will tell the rest in meeting.”

After hanging up the phone, Iqbal’s head became much lighter. He realized how much history has been shrouded in lies. His job is to erase this lie forever. He took another mobile and sent a WhatsApp message to Chadda sir, ‘Coal Mines require special vigilance… the death of Dahir’s two daughters did not happen due to be buried alive; in 716 the Surya Devi was at fit and fine in Syria… I will get the real history of Arab conquest of Kikan by tonight.’ After sending the WhatsApp message Dr. Iqbal removed the SIM card from the mobile and destroyed it and threw it in the commode to flush.


Sabir bhai woke up a little late, he met Dr. Iqbal at the tea table. Iqbal saw that Sabir bhai was reading the newspaper. Seeing Dr. Iqbal, he said, “Are you alright today?”

Dr. Iqbal responded, “Yes, today I am quite better. Well, when this Rohri was Aror in the past, then there is a small village here named Rohri. Sindhu River used to flow through one side of that Rohri village, on the bank of which there was a Shiva temple under five banyan trees. We have to find out and reach that Shiva temple.”

Sabir bhai said, “I know where that Shiva Temple is; hurry up, have your breakfast and get ready, I will take you to that Shiva Temple.”

After breakfast, they set out on road to the ancient Rohri village. Crossing the town of Rohri, the vast desert and there were small mud huts in the rugged nature. From the moment they entered the village of Rohri, Sabir bhai became very unusual; he generally talks a lot about the history of Sindh while driving, but since arriving here he seems to have become completely indifferent. The car is moving forward by turning to the right. Iqbal can see a broken temple from a distance at the end of this rugged desert; there is a mystery in the nature of Rohri; this rugged desert, this wind has been carrying a lamentations for one and a half thousand years. In the wilderness, the dilapidated houses and the trees standing far away as if are still waiting in utter silence for a prolonged pending judgment. During this long period of time, despite of the huge changes in the external environment, the inner soul of Sindh province has not changed one iota.

As if still today, Sindhu Mata is counting the period to regain her individual independent existence. The temple is getting closer and closer. Iqbal’s heart rate also started to increase. As if the screen of an invisible time unfolded before him; he could hear women’s voices, on the right side of the moving car he witnessed Surya Devi and Parimal Devi walking towards the temple.

Stopping the car in front of the temple, Sabir bhai said, “This temple was once surrounded by five huge banyan trees. This is the only Shiva temple in Rohri village, once upon a time a branch stream of Sindhu river flowed behind it. Now due to various natural reasons the water in that branch has dried up. Going behind the temple Dr. Iqbal saw a shrinking stream of water in the dry narrow riverbed. Suddenly he felt that a strong current was flowing through the river bed, thick wild plants suddenly grew on the banks of this river, a young girl collect water from the river and began to pluck wild flowers and keep those in her veil.

At that time, a female voice came from the five-banyan tree spot, “Sheetal, hurry up, it’s getting late.” Dr. Iqbal looked there to see Surya Devi and Parimal Devi. Gradually the characters from the past disappeared. He felt that he had come exactly at the right place. Waiting there silently for a while, he moved towards the temple and saw Sabir bhai sitting on the temple’s floor looks very upset.

Dr. Iqbal said, “Sabir bhai, if you become so nonchalant, then what will happen to me?” Sabir bhai stood up like a robot, entered the temple with Iqbal. He saw Surya Devi again just before the broken entrance of the temple. His inner self revealed that she was Surya Devi, daughter of Dahir. As if Surya Devi guided them into the temple.

The vibes inside the sanctum sanctorum of the temple matches perfectly with the description of Surya Devi.

Sabir bhai entered the sanctum sanctorum and said, “This temple was destroyed after 1947; till then locals used to worship in the temple daily. This temple was demolished after the Hindu genocide of 1947. The golden snake, moon, belpata (leaves of wood apple) of Shivalinga, along with sapphire stone and rudraksha garlands were looted. All the doors and windows of the temple were broken and looted, they tried hard to break this Linga, but could not. There is an idea among people that there is a treasure hidden inside this temple and Mahadev himself is guarding that treasure. But despite many efforts, they could not find the treasure.”

The vibes inside the sanctum sanctorum of the temple matches perfectly with the description of Surya Devi. On the right side of Shivalinga there is a small triangular door without panels.  Sheetal told Surya Devi that inside this door is the entrance to the underneath. Dr. Iqbal pointed Sabir bhai towards that door and said, if the description of Surya Devi is true, then the treasure is hidden inside it.

Sabir bhai said, “Even if you are right, that treasure is no more today, because they looted the entire temple.” Dr. Iqbal said, “No, they could not, when Mahadev himself remain unharmed then I am sure that the treasure is also safe. Turn on your mobile searchlight and come with me.”

They entered through that door with the help of the torch of the mobile phone and found out that there was no secret door anywhere, Sabir bhai turned the light around and said, have you watched it!! Now come, there is no hidden treasure waiting for you today. Come on! (Continues)

Click here for Part-I Part-IIPart-III Part-IV Part-V Part-VI Part-VIIPart-VIII Part-IX Part-XPart-XIPart-XIIPart-XIII Part-XIV Part-XV Part-XVIPart-XVIIPart-XVIII Part-XIXPart-XXPart-XXI , Part-XXII


Debasree Chakraborti - authorDebasree Chakraborti is a renowned novel writer of Bengali language. Based in Kolkata, West Bengal, India, she has done Master’s in Modern History from the Kolkata University, and authored some thirty books, mostly the novels, with historical perspective and themes. Her most recent novel is ‘Maharaja Dahir’ that covers the history of Sindh from 662, the year of first attack on Sindh by the Arab armies till date.

Rajesh Giri - TranslatorRajesh Giri, born in Kolkata, had his early schooling from Kolkata and then from Medinipur—a village in Bengal. He graduated from Calcutta University with Physics and Maths and Master’s from Burdwan University in 2016. Now he is associated with Adhdhyaan educational institution teaching Physics. History enthusiastic Rajesh Giri is particularly interested in the ancient civilization of India and other regions like Egypt, Mesopotamia, and North America. He loves traveling.


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