Home Books & Authors Nina Lys Affane is back with a new poetry book ‘Rivage De L’Oubli’

Nina Lys Affane is back with a new poetry book ‘Rivage De L’Oubli’

Nina Lys Affane is back with a new poetry book ‘Rivage De L’Oubli’
Nina Lys Affane

In French poetry collection, Nina Lys Affane of Algeria, sometimes draws suffering and sorrow, and sometimes traces notes of love and affection

Introduction of author and the book

A new poetry book in French language titled ‘RIVAGE DE L’OUBLI’ (Shore of oblivion), authored by Nina Lys Affane, an eminent poetess, has been published in France, The book is the collection of 100-pages of a set of poems and sequences of ideas, finding a balance in the universe of the senses and allowing us to be in harmony with what we experience and with what we are.

To Nina Lys Affane writing consists in using words to say what we usually cannot say in order to rise from the ashes, an invitation to the world of the senses and the depths to free oneself, to purify oneself, to be reborn!

Nina Lys - Book“In this collection of poetry Nina Lys Affane sometimes draws suffering and sorrow, and sometimes traces notes of love and affection with a skin-deep sensitivity, halfway through a present, becoming a recent past.

A muse that swings through the duality of dreams and reality.

Nina Lys Badia Affane is a woman of letters from Algeria. After a first career in teaching, she decided to devote herself to journalism and literature. Writing represents for her a means to shape the world with sensitivity and beauty.

She published several books and took part in several anthologies and joint books internationally. Her poems have been translated into several languages.

Works by Nina Lys Affane include ‘In talks with love’ (2011), ‘The outskirts of time’ (2014), ‘Haven of the senses’ (2016), ‘Confessions’ (2017), ‘Crash of the senses’ (2018), ‘Shore of oblivion’ (2023).

She participated and published in ten books in commons and anthologies internationally.

Here is a poem in French, selected from her book.

Envoyé de mon iPhone

Des «en pourparlers avec l’amour »

Au commencement,

source intarissable de création

ensuite, je me dirige vers «à la lisière du temps»

à la découverte de l’immensité de l’illusion

planant vers des sphères lointaines

pour partager mes  «confessions»

je ne trouvais pas mieux

de visiter un  « havre des sens »

tel un verger à multiples nuances…

j’ai raconté mes «fracas des sens»

A la recherche de l’apaisement…

j’ai travaillé intensément…

tant pensé pour retrouver

«le rivage de l’oubli»

Y jeter l’enfer des instants

La jalousie et méchanceté sans raisons

Ainsi le déclinement d’une saison

Et la nuit sombre vécue un moment.

Enfin mon rivage me sauve et me libère joyeusement…


Angela KostaIntroduced by: Angela Kosta, a renowned poetess and writer, born in Albania and based in Italy


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