Home Literature/Poetry POETIC CRAFT – A poem by Iconic Marathi Poet Neha Bhandarkar

POETIC CRAFT – A poem by Iconic Marathi Poet Neha Bhandarkar

POETIC CRAFT – A poem by Iconic Marathi Poet Neha Bhandarkar

Whenever some bare truthful poem is recited wearing the cloak of untruthfulness, then and there finishes over the natural beauty and meaning of the poem

Neha Bhandarkar - Marathi-Poet-Sindh CourierAuthor of 16 books in various languages, Neha Bhandarkar shares her poem

Neha Bhandarkar, hailing from India, is widely published Iconic Marathi Poet, embellished with numerous national and international awards for her consummate literary skill mused about in her writings. She is published author of 16 books in various languages. She is trilingual author writing in Marathi, Hindi and English and also a genuine translator. Many of her poems and stories are being published in many international anthologies, magazines and E Zines.  Some of her poems, stories have been translated in French, Albanian, Russian , Italian, Pilipino, Nepali, Greece, Odia, Bengali, Sanskrit Assamese and Brail script etc. She is winner of Central and State government awards from Government of India. She has bagged Hindi state Sahithya Academy Award twice. Her poems have been broadcast on Quichotte Radio, FRANCE and Hindi Radio, CHICAGO (USA). She is an International PEACE Ambassador of Global Nation, Bangladesh. Moreover she is Cultural Ambassador appointed by International Forum of Creativity and Humanity, Morocco as well as ambassador of Peace and Humanity for IFCH, Kingdom of Morocco.

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Whenever some

Bare truthful poem

Is recited wearing the cloak of untruthfulness

Then and there

Finishes over

The natural beauty

And meaning of the poem

Anxiety rises over future problems

Of the entire nature

Worries about the natural existence of rivers, mountains, seas, trees and birds-animals

Moreover, nightmares cast in dreams

The ‘deaths of souls’ of

Those entire sculptors

And I start heftily pulling off, in dreams

The serene shrouds from

Over the souls of sculptors

On whose graves

I have always gone lighting

Thousands of lamps

Of countless bright words

From this end to that one

And I give a deaf ear

To the laughter of lighting fireflies

Which address to me only

I, whenever strive to disperse

The sandal fragrance through my words

The winds of my country

Drift away along with them

Not known how many truths

From this border towards

The another border

And then too, undoubtedly…

Taking off the veil of civilization

My poetry gets naked

Becoming an example of my own culture

Pure and serene!

Just like the unique crafts

And heavenly beautiful

Dumb and silent sculptures of

Khajuraho and Ajanta

Even so…Pure and serene!


png-transparent-the-writer-s-journey-mythic-structure-for-writers-writing-poetry-calligraphy-pen-thumbnailHindi Version


कोई निर्वस्त्र सत्य कविता

पढ़ी जाती है जब-जब

असत्यता का लिबास ओढ़कर,

खत्म हो जाता है

कविता का प्राकृतिक अर्थ एवं

सौंदर्य तब-तब

सताने लगती है

तमाम सृष्टि के भविष्य की समस्याएं

नदी पहाड़ समंदर वृक्ष एवं पशु-पक्षियों के

प्राकृतिक अस्तित्व की चिंताएं

और तो और

नींद में पड़ने लगते हैं

उन तमाम शिल्पकारों की

‘आत्माओं की मृत्यु’ के भयावह स्वप्न

और जोर-जोर से खींचने लगती हूं नींद में मैं

शिल्पकारों की आत्माओं के ओढ़े हुए

निर्मल कफ़न को

जिनकी कब्र पर मैं हमेशा जलाती आयी हूं

हज़ारों दीप इस छोर से उस छोर तक

अनगिनत तेजस्वी शब्दों के

और अनसुना करती हूं जुगनुओं की हंसी

जिनका रुख होता है केवल मेरी ओर

मैं जब भी करती हूं प्रयास

चन्दन सी खुशबू शब्दों में बिखेरने का

मेरे देश की हवाएं उड़ा ले जाती हैं अपने साथ

ना जाने कितने सत्य को

इस सरहद से दूसरी सरहद की ओर

और तब भी, बेशक

सभ्यता का घूंघट खोलकर

मेरी कविता निर्वस्त्र हो जाती है

अपनी ही संस्कृति की

मिसाल बनकर



खजुराहो एवं अजंता के

बेजुबां शिल्प की तरह

पाक एवं निर्मल।



poetry-professor-quote-and-saying-300x200Sindhi Translation

ڪَويتا شِلپ  _ ڪويتا جي گھڙت جو ڏانءُ

ڪا اُگھاڙَي سچ واري ڪَوِيتا

ڪُوڙ جو لباس اوڙھي

پڙھي وڃي ٿي جڏھن جڏھن

ختم ٿئي ٿي تڏھن تڏھن

ڪويتا جي فطري سُونھن،

۽ معني

 ندين، پھاڙن، ساگر، وڻن ٽِڻن، پکي پکڻ ، سموري جيوت

فطرت جي سمورن مظھرن جي وجود لاءِ

ڳڻتي وڌي ٿي تڏھن تڏھن

ڀَوائتا سپنا اچن ٿا تڏھين

روح جي موت جا سپنا

سپنن ۾ جڏھين اھڙا  بُت اچن ٿا آڏو

جِن بُتن جي مزارن تي مون

اڻ ڳڻت لفظن جا ٻاريا ھزارين ديپ

بُتن کي اوڍيل غلاف لاھي

سپنن کان ٻاھر ھلي اچان ٿي

منھنجي پُٺيان ٽانڊاڻن جا ٽھڪ اُٿن ٿا

مَنُ چوي ٿو ٻَوڙي ٿي وڃان

جو اِھي ٽھڪ مان ئي ٻُڌي سگھان ٿي

جڏھن بہ مون پنھنجي لفظن سان

صُندل جھڙي خوشبو وکيرڻ چاھي

منھنجي ملڪ جون ھوائون

لفظن جي سچائين کي

ھڪ سرحد کان ٻي سرحد تائين

اُڏائينديون رھن ٿيون

تھذيب تي پيل غلاف لاھي

امن ۽ شانتيءَ جي مظھر

منھنجي نظمن کي نروار ڪن ٿيون

ايئن ئي جيئن

کاجوراھو ۽ اجنتا ۾

لافاني ھنر جا مظھر

گُونگا، ماٺيڻا بُت

نروار آھن


Translated from English and Hindi by Nasir Aijaz of Sindh with the help of Mr. Nari Lachhwani of Bairagarh, Bhopal, India

Read: Solicitous Tune – Poetry by Iconic Marathi Poet Neha Bhandarkar


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