Student’s Letter to Pandemic: Thanks but…….

Student’s Letter to Pandemic -Thanks but…….

Student’s Letter to Pandemic -Thanks but…….You know, at some point you are the reason of unity in humans around the world; you came and world started realizing about the humanity which was just a word before you came. But I want to tell you this is not what we wanted at the cost of human lives.

Dear Pandemic

I’m writing this letter to you because I want to tell you what you have done with entire globe.

You know, at some point you are the reason of unity in humans around the world; you came and world started realizing about the humanity which was just a word before you came. But I want to tell you this is not what we wanted at the cost of human lives. You wrapped people in white piece of cloth, you snatched the happiness and excitement of the innocents and you left the poor in hunger. I’m not happy to have you in the world but thanks for coming and raising the humanity which had vanished from the world.

One thing is making us worried exactly – every hundred years a pandemic happens. At first glance nothing seems strange but the accuracy with which the pandemic stages comeback is scary. These all pandemics appear exactly at 100 years of age, which force us to think about it. Is it God’s order to tell us humans that no one is more powerful than Almighty Allah and the nature? Is He disappointed with us?

When you came as 1720 Plague you killed one hundred thousand innocent souls who wanted to fly high in the sky, when you came as a Cholera pandemic in 1820 you again killed same number of souls; when you came as Spanish flu in 1920 you killed hundred million souls and you were recorded as deadliest pandemic, and for consecutive fourth time in 20th year of 21st century on 100th anniversary of Spanish flu you came as a corona virus and killed sixteen hundred thousand souls and number goes on. It seems you are repeating history every hundred year.

It also seems like some innocents had complained the Almighty Allah about the cruelty of cruel, that’s why he is disappointed with us? Is it the reason he appointed you to devastate the brutal? But while ruining the cruel you are ruining the vast number of innocent souls also.

I want to confess something. Thanks you have proved that everything around us is so temporary. Things that our life revolved around work, society, malls, gym are all closed for big time and we are learning to live without them. It has taught us that in the end it’s our own home and beloved family that keeps us safe, but I cannot offer thanks for the ones whose family is buried in graveyard because of you. Thanks that most of the roads are chilling and there is no any transport for hurting the people, but I cannot say thanks because human bodies are lying on the same roads. Thanks for alerting doctors, but I cannot thank for disconnecting them from their beloved families. Thanks for forcing us to stay at home, but I cannot say thanks for making eyes wet of poor shopkeepers – the wet eyes which are searching for the buyers. Thanks for giving earth a pause, but I cannot say thanks for stopping us from going to religious and social places. Thanks because everyone is taking their proper care, but I cannot say thanks for putting us in unarmed war. Thanks for telling us the value of nature but I cannot say thanks for pushing the innocent birds in your deadliest trap. Thanks for realizing us about the power of Almighty Allah and the power of the nature, but I cannot say thanks for leaving poor stomachs hungry. Thanks for giving us an opportunity to have some long conversations with our beloved family, but I cannot say thanks for snatching the loved ones from their families, the loved ones who are now wrapped in the piece of white cloth and lying 6 feet under the earth. Thanks that every living being is free and living their life at their own except human being. Thanks for bringing humanity which was very rare and now that is working for hungry poor stomachs in this pandemic, but I cannot say thanks for leaving tears in that poor eyes.

Thanks that mother earth is healing itself due to many lockdowns around the world; there is less number of cars, less planes, and less pollution, but I cannot say thanks for making humans polluted.

When you smiled and asked: Where are your fighter jets, missiles and nuclear weapons? No country responded.

Thanks, but cannot say you best wishes

Kuljeet Singh Sodha - StudentKuljeet Singh Sodha

Student of Karachi University
Hometown New Chhor, District Umerkot, Sindh


Also read: History of Pandemics 


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