When two people support each other, it becomes an umbrella where love can blossom
Kim Nahyun, a poetess from Korea, the Land of Morning Calm, shares her two poems
Ms. Nahyun Kim is a poet and essayist who made her debut in poetry and essay writing in the literary magazine ‘Munyesajo’ in 2018. Presently, she serves as the vice president of the editorial board of the literary magazine ‘Munyesajo’ and is also a member of the Ieodo Literature Association. She holds a Master’s degree in Oriental Philosophy from the International Brain Education Graduate University.

Umbrella Sharing with the World
Young men and women under a small pink umbrella,
When two people support each other, it becomes an umbrella where love can blossom.
The love and mercy we give to our neighbors
Form an umbrella of sharing that merge with the world.
The sound of laughter blooming under one roof,
A beautiful love umbrella of a happy family.
세계와 함께 쓰는 우산
작은 분홍색 우산 아래 젊은 남녀,
두 사람이 서로를 지지할 때 사랑이 꽃피는 우산이 된다.
우리 이웃들에게 준 사랑과 자비,
세상과 융합되는 나눔의 우산을 형성한다.
한 지붕 아래 피어나는 웃음 소리,
행복한 가족의 아름다운 사랑 우산.
Harmonious Song
When I stand in a fresh forest, the scent of flowers spreads.
Dandelion seeds spread widely in the wind,
Nature interacts with each other
The earth grows fruit like a mother.
Heaven, earth, and humans are in beautiful harmony
Everything circulates and exists in harmony
In the evergreen forest
Everyone sings a song in harmony together
What a beautiful world,
A place where humans and nature are in harmony.
화합의 노래
신선한 숲 속에 서면 꽃향기가 퍼지고
바람에 민들레 꽃씨는 널리 퍼지네
자연은 서로 작용하고
대지는 엄마처럼 과일을 키우네
하늘과 땅, 그리고 인간은 아름다운 조화
모두 순환하며 조화롭게 존재하네
사철 푸른 숲속에서
모두 함께 조화로운 노래를 부르네
얼마나 아름다운 세상인가!
인간과 자연이 조화로운 곳.
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[…] Read: Umbrella Sharing with the World – Poetry from Korea […]